Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: rap · strap · tap · tramp · trape
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
trap1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna).1. Trap, snare. 2. Veh: Trap.
trap2, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna).Geol: Trap(-rock).
trap3 = crap1.
trap4 :trup.
Bhí ~ trap acu ar fud an tí, they were tramping noisily, making a din, all over the house.
~ bradach, stick for springing trap.
~adh sa tom, sa ghaiste, é, it got caught in the bush, in the trap.
~ cleasach, trap-stick.
2. ~ éan, (wicker) bird-trap.
~ éan, bird-trap.
~ thógála, trap-door.
Gaiste a chur, to set a trap.
~ gaistí, trap setting.
Chuaigh sé sa ~, he walked into the trap.
Éan, iasc, giorria, a ghabháil, to catch, trap, a bird, a fish, a hare.
~ a chur, to set a trap.
Breith ar rud i n~, to take sth. in a trap.
Bheith ceaptha, gafa, i n~, to be caught in a trap.
Teacht as ~, to escape from a trap; to get out of a difficulty.
Bheith i n~ binne, to be trapped in a rock crevice, on the face of a cliff.
I ngaiste, in a trap, trapped.
Gaiste ~, settable trap.
~ a chur, to set a trap.
Chuir siad ~ ina choinne, they laid a trap for him.
Líon, gaiste, a inleadh, to fix a net, a trap.
~ ar tinneall, trap-fall.
~ bradach, ~ bréagach, trap-stick.
~ na gcros, bent trap-stick.
Rugadh i ~ air, he was caught in a trap.
~ bháis, death-trap.
~ éin, bird-trap.
I d~ eatarthu, trapped between them.
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