Afflux of strangers, brú mór strainséirí.
Dense crowd, brú mór daoine.
F: To play gooseberry, bheith ag brú cuideachta ar bheirt leannán.
I didn't like to intrude on your privacy, níor mhaith liom brú isteach ort.
His face was a mass of bruises, bhí a éadan foircthe le brúnna.
To press close against s.o., brú isteach go dlúth le duine.
Pressure of ten pounds to the square inch, brú deich bpunt don orlach cearnach.
Water pressure, brú uisce.
Mch: Test pressure, brú tástála.
Med: Blood pressure, brú fola.
Don't push (me)! ná bí ag brú!
To shove (your way) through the crowd, brú tríd an slua.
El.E: Supply pressure, brú m soláthair.
She thrust herself upon him, bhrúigh sí air, bhí sí ag brú cógais air.
Congested traffic, brú m tráchta; trácht trangláilte.
To trench (up)on s.o.'s property, s.o.'s rights, bheith ag brú cúngrachta ar sheilbh, ar chearta, duine.
Ph: Result uncorrected for temperature and pressure, toradh nár ceartaíodh maidir le teocht ná brú.
Violation of s.o.'s privacy, brú cuideachta ar dhuine.