come over, v.i. 1 (Prep. use) a Tagaim anall (thar farraige, etc.). b Tagann ar. What has come over you? céard atá ort? céard a tháinig ort? 2 (Adv. use) a To come over from a place, teacht anall as áit. b He came over to their side, (i) tháinig sé anall chucu; (ii) d'iontaigh sé leo. c F: I came over funny, queer, tháinig aistíl éigin orm.
A look of blank astonishment came over his face, tháinig leathadh súl air le hiontas.
To come it over s.o., a bheith ag gabháil máistreachta ar dhuine.
To come the old soldier over s.o., duine a choinneáil faoi do neart.
He came from over the hills, b'as taobh amuigh de shliabh é.
P: I came all over funny, bhraitheas an t-aer agus talamh ag titim le chéile orm.
He came over from France, tháinig sé anall as an bhFrainc.
A shade of anxiety came over his face, tháinig fríd na himní ar a ghnúis.
Come over to me that I may see you, druid anall chugam go bhfeice, go bhfeicfidh, mé thú.
He came over to me that I might see him, dhruid sé anall chugam go bhfeicinn, go bhfeicfinn, é.