Nau: With anchor atrip, agus an t-ancaire scoite.
House off the beaten track, teach scoite.
To break a branch from a tree, craobh a scoitheadh, a bhaint, de chrann.
(Of reptile) To cast its slough, a chraiceann a scoitheadh.
To clear a wall (by three inches), an balla a ghlanadh, a scoitheadh (de thrí horlaí).
To clear the headland, an rinn a scoitheadh, a chaitheamh.
To have the heels of another ship, breith ar shoitheach eile, soitheach eile a scoitheadh.
To lop away, lop off, a branch, géag a scoitheadh, a theascadh.
Social outcasts, éin mpl scoite.
Aut: 'Overtaking and passing forbidden; no overtaking', 'scoitheadh coiscthe.'
Overtaking signal, comhartha scoite.
To pass a headland, ceann tíre a scoitheadh, a chaitheamh.
To prune (off, away) a branch, craobh a scoitheadh, a theascadh, a sciotadh.
Aut: To pull out from behind a vehicle, teacht amach le carr a scoitheadh.
A remote place, áit scoite, iargúlta.
To cast a shoe, crú a scoitheadh.
He is in the sixties, tá na trí fichid scoite aige, na trí scóir cnagtha aige.
Rail: To slip a carriage, cóiste a scoitheadh.
To get the start of s.o., duine a scoitheadh.
Tex: To strip flax, líon a scuitseáil, a scoitheadh.
Nau: To trip the anchor, an t-ancaire a scoitheadh, a chrochadh.
Unfrequented spot, ball aonarach, scoite.
(Of house, etc.) Out of the way, aistreánach, scoite, iargúlta.