Ag cur a ~a amach ag gáire, breaking his heart laughing.
Tá na barra ag ~eadh na cré, the tops are breaking through the soil.
Tá tú ag ~eadh na saoire, you are breaking the Sabbath, working on a holy day.
7. Tá an aimsir ag ~eadh, the weather is breaking, deteriorating.
Tá na tonnta ag ~eadh faoi thír, the waves are breaking on the coast.
~ droma d’ualach, back-breaking load.
~ duilliúir, breaking out of foliage.
Ag leagan ~, breaking down embankments;
~ geise, breaking of prohibition, of taboo.
~ an tseanreachta, the breaking up of the old order.
Tá an lá ag ~t, the day is breaking.
Tá an lá ag ~adh thoir, the day is breaking, brightening, in the east.
An féar, an coirce, ag ~adh aníos, the grass, the oats, breaking the surface of the ground.
Briseadh agus ~, breaking and entry.
~ briste, breaking-point.
Ag ~adh talaimh bháin, breaking up lea.
An solas ag ~eadh sa dorchadas, the light breaking out in the darkness.
~ ciorcaid, breaking of circuit.
~ bhriste, breaking-strain.
Féach mar atá an t-olc ag teacht tríd, see how the evil is breaking out in him.
Ag gobadh aníos ~d an talamh, breaking the surface of the ground.