Bhí ~ feirge, náire, air, he was burning with anger, with shame.
~ dóite, smell of burning.
Bhí mé bruite le náire, I was burning with shame.
Tá an choinneal, an tine, ag ~eamh, the candle, the fire, is burning out.
~ móna, ola, turf-, oil-, burning.
~ talún, (i) soil-burning, (ii) foot-scorching, blisters on soles of feet.
Tá an choinneal ag dó léi, the candle is burning away.
~ ceilpe, talún, kelp-, land-, burning.
Ar ~ le rud a dhéanamh, burning with desire to do sth.
Ag loscadh agus ag ~, burning and slaying.
Tá an tine ag ísliú, the fire is burning low.
Tá a chroí ar ~ le díograis, le grá Dé, his heart is burning with zeal, with God’s love.
~ fiabhrais, thinnis, burning fever, pain.
Pian ~, burning, stinging, pain.
~ dóite, brand of burning.
~ mailíseach, malicious burning, arson.
Tine mhall, slow-burning fire.
Aidhnín ~, slow-burning fuse.
~ agus loscadh, suffocation and burning.
Ag ~adh talún, burning surface of (moor)land before tilling.
Bhí ~ náire orm, I was burning with shame.
Tá ~ ar a chraiceann, (i) his skin is inflamed, (ii) he is burning with impatience.