Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: cool · faol · foal · foil · fol
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A amadáin! You fool!
Níl tú ~ ag amaidí, you are only fooling.
An t-amadán is mó idir ~ is uisce, the greatest fool on earth.
~ a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a fool of s.o.
~ cruthanta, críochnaithe, confirmed fool.
~ iarainn, clever fool.
~ Aibreáin, earraigh, April fool.
Lá na nA~, All Fools’ Day.
Ag ~ (le), fooling, playacting (with).
~, an t-amadán! Ah, the fool!
~ a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a fool of s.o.
Tá sé ar a bháire baoise, he is playing the fool, play-acting.
4. ~ sampla, ~ ar shliocht, fool of a family, of a community.
~ séire, bungler; fool.
~ a dhéanamh de dhuine, to put s.o. in an awkward position; to make a fool of s.o.
Níl ann ach amadán, he is only a fool.
~ bréige, fool’s watercress.
~ amadáin, blethering fool.
An t-amadán ~, the poor fool.
Tá ~ ort, you are making a silly mistake, making a fool of yourself.
Síle chaoch a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a fool of s.o., to make s.o. look silly.
Amadán, rógaire, ~, proper fool, rogue.
~ amadáin, big fool.
Ní bhíonn ~ ar bith gan amadán, there is a fool at every party.
An chóisir i ndiaidh na hóinsí, every fool has his following.
Amadán ~, a proper fool.
Amadán ar a chosa, a thorough fool.
Amadán críochnaithe, utter fool.
Ag moladh na ~a, pandering to fools.
Amadán de dhuine, a fool of a person.
Tá sibh ag ~amh amadáin de, you are making a fool of him.
Amadán ~, complete fool.
Ní ~ réidh duit mise, you will not fool me easily.
Scéal earraigh, April-fool prank, baseless rumour.
Ní laoi go Laoi an Amadáin Mhóir, there is no lay like the Lay of the Big Fool.
~ gó a dhéanamh de dhuine, to send s.o. on a fool’s errand.
Turas, toisc, ~, fool’s errand.
Níl ionat ach amadán, you are only a fool.
Tá a fhios sin ag ~í an bhaile, that is common gossip; every fool knows that.
Is é an ~ réidh é, he is easily fooled; he is really gullible.
Tugadh ~ amadáin air, he was treated as a fool.
Dhéanfadh sé ~ i do chluas, he would nest in your ear, fool you completely.
Dealg láibe ~ focal amadáin, a muddy thorn or a fool’s remark (can be equally virulent).
~ a dhéanamh díot féin, to make a fool of oneself.
5. ~ amadán, rógairí, pack of fools, of rogues.
~ amadáin, silly fool.
Ná bí i do phléiseam acu, don’t let them make a fool of you.
Bain an ~ de do shúile, open your eyes, stop fooling yourself.
Ná bí ~ acu, don’t let them fool you.
~ amadáin, out-and-out fool.
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