An bhfuair tú a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
Cuir leis an ~ é, get rid of it.
Ag iarraidh abhrais ar phocán, trying to get wool off a he-goat.
Gheobhaidh tú é ~ íoc as, you will get it if you pay for it.
~ ar éirigh mé ar maidin, when I got up in the morning.
Ní rachaidh mé ~ a bhfaighidh mé scéala cinnte, I won’t go till I get definite news.
Fuair sé a ~, he got his wish.
Lig ~ na tine chugainn, let us get the heat of the fire (unobstructed).
Is aige a fuair mé an speal, I got the scythe from him.
Tá sé in am aige pósadh, it is time for him to get married.
Fuair sé a mb’~ leis, he got all he wanted.
~ a fháil ar rud, to get an opportune moment for sth.
~ a fháil ar rud, to get an opportunity to do sth.
Dul in ~, to get entangled.
Lig sí a gruaig in ~, she let her hair get tousled.
Tá an mhias sin in ~ a briste, that dish is sure to get broken.
Rud a fháil, a thabhairt, in ~, to get, give, sth. for nothing.
Dul in ~ ar, to get to know, become familiar with.
D’~ mé (go raibh) an slaghdán ag teacht orm, I realized that I was getting a cold.
~ a chur ar an saol, ar an ól, to get to know (the ways of) the world, (the effects of) drink.
Tá ~ do shúl leat, you have got what you fancied.
Tá sé san ~ agat pósadh, it is time for you to get married.
Má théann sé ~ ort go bhfuil airgead agat, if it gets abroad that you have money.
Dá bhfaighinn ~ air, if I got an opening, a chance, to hit him.
Fuair mé ~ cruinn air an iarraidh sin, I got a good shot at it that time.
Amach as m’~ leat, get out of my sight; get away from me.
~ a fháil, a thabhairt, ar rud, to get, take, a look at sth.
Rud a fháil ar ~, to get sth. for very little, for a song.
Chuaigh sé ~ sa dorchadas, he got lost in the dark.
Is fada an muineál atá air, he has got such a long neck.
Níor tharraing sé (aon) ~ slán ó loiteadh é, he never recovered his health from the time he got hurt.
Ag dul chun anaitis le chéile, getting peeved, angry, with each other.
Tá an lá ag dul chun anaitis, the day is getting bad, becoming disagreeable.
Thit an t-~ as, d’fhág an t-~ é, he got the fright of his life.
Níl (an) ~ céille aige, he hasn’t got much sense.
Ag dul in ~, getting stormy, rough.
Tá sé ag dul ~ sa lá, sa saol, it is getting late in the day, in life.
Tá an teach ag dul chun ~, the house is getting weather-beaten, falling into disrepair.
Tá sé in ~ a phósta; tá ~ a phósta aige, he is of an age to get married.
Tá an ~ ag teacht air; tá sé ag dul (anonn) in ~, he is getting old.
Tá sé ag titim san ~, he is getting old-looking, decrepit.
Níl ~ isteach, amach, acu, they can’t get in, out.
Ar éirí dom, when I get, got, up.
Fuair sé ar '~ orm' é, he got it for half nothing.
Bhuail ~ mé, tháinig ~ ionam, I got a sudden pain in my side.
Tá an lá, an bhliain, ag ársú, it is getting on in the day, the year.
Tá an ghrian ag ársú, the sun is high in the sky; it is getting on for midday.
Ná lig as an tréad iad, don’t let them get away from the herd.
Ní thuigim é ach tuigim as, I don’t understand it but I get the implication of it.