An fear ~, the man who is going, has just gone, out.
Ná bíodh do chos ~ agat mar sin, don’t have your foot stuck out like that.
Tá a ~ ólta, she has gone out of milk.
Bhí ~ allais as, he had broken out in a sweat.
Chaill mé as mo phóca féin leis, I had to pay for it out of my own pocket.
Tá sé deilbhithe (amach) agam, I have it shaped, planned out.
Tá sé i n~ a chéile go deas agat, you have set it out nicely.
Tá aga na ~ caite againn anseo, we have worn out our welcome here.
Tá an blár fada ~ agaibh, you have plenty of space out in the open.
Tá an áit ~ fhéar aige, he has the place let out in grass.
Tá fios ~a an scéil anois agat, you now have the ins and outs of the story.
Ná ~adh d’athair ort é, you had better not let your father find out about it.
Tá sé ~ as a mheabhair, he has gone clean out of his mind.
Tá ~ agat (leis na figiúirí sin), you have quite a problem (sorting out those figures).
Níl ábhar imghabhála agam ort, I have no reason to keep out of your way.
Bhí garraí le ~an amach agam, I had to lay out a garden.
Níl ~ ná stiúradh ar na páistí aige, he has let the children get completely out of control.
Tá mé rite as tobac, I have run out of tobacco.
Tá ~ dhearg amuigh air, he has broken out in a red rash.
Tá mé ~tha, I have been cleaned out, ruined.
Tá an cóta ~ta aige, he has grown out of the coat.
~ uaim an focal, I have let the word slip out.
Ba mhaith liom siúl amach Dé Domhnaigh, I’d like to walk out on Sunday.
Bhí sé rite as mairteoil ach thug sé caoireoil dom ar a ~, he had run out of beef but he gave me mutton instead of it.
~ mé chuige é, I let him have it straight out.
Is fearr duit na ~anna a shíneadh, you had better step it out.
~fainn an inchinn as, I’d dash out his brains.
Níl ~ as agat, you have no way out of it.
Ní raibh ~ ar mo chúl ná ar m’aghaidh agam, I could go neither backwards nor forwards; I had no way out of the difficulty.
Má théann aige an oíche a chur thairis gheobhaidh sé aothú, if he can live out the night he will have passed the crisis.
Nach sibh atá ~? Have you run out of conversation?
Tá mé curtha ó theach is ó threibh acu, they have driven me out of house and land, they have ruined me.