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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: diomaí · iomad · iomar · iomas · ionaí
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iomaí1, f. (gs. ~, pl. -aithe).1 = iomdha11. 2. Couch, bed.
iomaí2, a3. 1 = iomdha21. 2. (Used predicatively) Many. Is ~ lá a bhí mé ann, many a day I was there. B’~ uair a chuala mé roimhe é, I had heard it many times before. Is ~ duine ag Dia, it takes all kinds to make a world. Is ~ rud is measa ná é, there are worse things in life. Is ~ fear nach ligfeadh leis é, many a man wouldn’t let him away with it. Is ~ a leithéid a dhéanfadh gar dá chomharsa, many a man in his position would do a good turn for his neighbour; he should be more considerate towards his neighbours. Nach ~ do leithéid a chuirfeadh gual ar an tine! Isn’t it a wonder you wouldn’t put coal on the fire! 3. Go h~, many a time, often. Ní go h~ a chonaic mé a leithéid, I haven’t often seen the like of it.
Tá dúil aige san ól. Is iomaí duine ar a ~. He is fond of drink. It is a common affliction.
Is iomaí rud ar m’~, I have many cares, many things to attend to.
Is iomaí lá de mo chuid allais aige, I worked many a hard day for him.
Is iomaí ~ air, there are many ways of looking at it.
Is iomaí rud a chuir an fear sin i mo bhealach, that man has put many benefits in my way.
Is iomaí ~ ann, he is a most devious person.
Is iomaí ~ a rugadh leis, he is naturally gifted in many ways.
Is iomaí ~ a rinneadh ar an scéal sin, that story has often been sifted, debated.
Ní lia ceann ná ~, many men many trades.
Is iomaí lá ag an g~ orainn, we will be dead long enough.
Is iomaí ~ is lúb ann, it is full of twists and turns;
Is iomaí ~ a chuir an saol de ó shin, times have changed very much since then.
Is iomaí ~ a chuireas an óige di, a young person goes through many phases.
Is iomaí ~ ann, he is full of wiles.
~ fia! ~ lia! ~ fiagaí! ~ fia is fiolar! By Jove!
Is iomaí ~ ina leabhar, he has a great fund of knowledge.
Is iomaí ~ a rinne sé, many a feat he performed.
Is iomaí duine a ~adh le saint, greed has been the downfall of many.
Ní lia tír ná ~, customs vary.
Is iomaí rud a fheictear do dhuine, we are all inclined to imagine things.
Ní leigheasfadh lia ná ~ é, he is beyond cure.
Is iomaí ~ a raibh sé ann, he came through many dangers, was in many a tight corner.
Is iomaí duine a bhfuil an ~ sin air, many people have the same problem to contend with.
Is iomaí ~ orm, I have many claims on my time.
Is iomaí rud ag glaoch air, he has many things to attend to.
Is iomaí ~ ceoil (a bhíos) ann, there are many ways of doing things.
Ní lia tír ná ~, so many countries, so many customs.
Is iomaí ~ thirim a bheas ina dhiaidh, few will weep at his going.
Is iomaí ~ ina bhfuair sé a fhéachaint, he was tried in many dangers.
Is iomaí bliain fós ann, he has many years left in him yet.
Is iomaí rud ab iontaí (ná é), stranger things could happen.
Is iomaí duine leis, there are many like him.
Lia os ~, memorial stone on burial-mound.
~ cloiche, (flat) stone.
~ láimhe, casting-stone.
~ binne, corner-stone.
~ longadáin, logan-stone.
~ ban, gynaecologist.
~ súl, oculist.
~ cónaithe, house-physician.
Ní leigheasfadh ~ na bhFiann é, he is beyond cure.
Dar ~! By Jove!
Ní ~ luibh i ngort, éan ar craobh, braon san fharraige, (ná), the herbs in the field, the birds on the bough, the drops in the ocean, are not more numerous (than).
Ní ~ duine ná barúil; ní ~ tír ná nós, so many men, so many minds.
Chomh ~ is atá méar orm, ribe i mo cheann, as many as I have fingers and toes, hairs on my head.
~ bhan, gynaecology.
Dá ~, however many.
Agus a ~ uair a chonaic mé iad, after all the times I saw them.
Dá ~ uair a déarfá é, no matter how many times you said it.
Is iomaí tír ar fhág siad ~ a gcos inti, they left their footprints in many lands.
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