Tá an ~ ann, he is a trouble-maker.
~ eangaí, net-maker’s needle.
~ eangaí, net-maker’s needle.
Lucht bruíne, trouble-makers.
Druid le fear na bruíne (agus gheobhaidh tú síocháin), face up to the trouble-maker (and he will leave you in peace).
An ~ mic, ~ de mhac, sin aige, that son of his who is such a trouble-maker.
Tá sé ina dhiabhal; is é an ~ buí é; tá an ~ istigh ann, ina bholg, he is a devil, the very devil, a real mischief-maker.
~ ceoil, amhrán, song-maker, lyricist.
Lucht iaróige, trouble-makers.
Is é ~ gach oilc é, he, it, is the cause of all the trouble; he is a mischief-maker.
Lucht imris, trouble-makers.
~ déanta poitín, poteen-makers.
~ mioscaise, trouble-maker.
~ measctha, ~ in umar, (i) (washing) dolly, (ii) interfering person, trouble-maker.
Fear margaidh, (i) marketeer, (ii) bargain-maker.
Fear cinn meithle, leader of working party, pace-maker.
Duine ~, an unfortunate person; a trouble-maker.
Lucht míghrinn, mischief-makers.
Fear cinn riain, pace-maker, leader.
Ná ~ (le) mac mioscaise, don’t trust a trouble-maker.
~ an diabhail, devil’s errand-boy, mischief-maker.
Fear toirmisc, mischief-maker.