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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Níl ann ach gur caitheadh an t-~ ann, one would hardly notice that he is alive.
Breith gearr, gairid, ar dhuine, to take s.o. at short notice, abruptly.
Níor bhraith mé an lá ag imeacht, I did not notice the day passing.
Gan chairde, without respite, at short notice.
~ a thógáil do rud, to take notice of sth.
~ fógraí, notice-board.
Ná tóg aon chomhartha de, don’t take any notice of it.
~ a chur i nduine, i rud, to take (disapproving) notice of s.o., sth.
Chronaigh mé an leabhar ón tseilf, I noticed the book missing from the shelf.
2. ~ a chur i rud, to notice the absence of, to miss, sth.
Cronú, sonrú, a chur i nduine, to miss, notice, s.o.
Fógra a chur suas, to put up a notice.
Rud a thabhairt faoi ~, to notice sth.
Ní thabharfá faoi ~ é, you wouldn’t notice it, it is not noticeable.
Tabhairt faoi ~, notice, perception.
Tabhair do d’aire (go), take (to your) notice (that).
Tá sé ag éirí aniar as féin, he is beginning to sit up and take notice; he is beginning to fancy himself.
~ a thabhairt (go), to give notice (that).
~ a chur ar na páipéir, to put a notice, an advertisement, in the papers.
poiblí, seachtaine, roimh ré, public, week’s, prior, notice.
~ cruinnithe, tionóisce, trialach, notice of meeting, of accident, of trial.
~ fágála, scoir, notice to quit, of discontinuance.
~ feabhsúcháin, notice of improvement.
~ fordhearbhaithe, foriarratais, notice of protest, of motion.
~ a chur in airde, to put up a notice.
Clár ~í, notice-board.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine faoi rud, to give s.o. notice, warning, about sth.
~ a fháil (go), to get notice (that).
Rinne sé é gan ~ a thabhairt uaidh, he did it without giving any notice.
Fógra foriarratais, notice of motion.
Ní ghabhfadh a oiread thairis, not even that much would escape his notice.
~ a chur i rud, to look closely at, to take particular notice of, sth.
Rud a thabhairt i n~, to discern sth. clearly; to notice sth. particularly.
Ní raibh sé de ghrinneas ann é sin a thabhairt faoi deara, he was not observant enough to notice that.
Amhras, spéis, sonrú, a chur i rud, to doubt, to take interest in, to notice, sth.
~ bhfógra, after (giving) notice.
Ní imeodh a oiread air, even that much couldn’t escape his notice.
Caillteanas, fógra, seachadadh, seilbh, ~, constructive loss, notice, delivery, possession.
Ná cuir aon ~ iontu, take no notice of them.
Rud a ~ean tharat, to let sth. pass, to take no notice of sth.
Níor mhothaigh mé an lá ag imeacht, I didn’t notice the day passing.
D’éirigh siad ~ ann, they ceased to be curious about it, to notice it.
Déan ~ den diúlach sin, take no notice of that fellow; leave that fellow alone.
~ cuireadh suim ann, no notice was taken of it.
Fógra obtha, notice of dishonour.
~ a chur i rud, to take notice of sth.
Shleamhnaigh an lá uainn, we didn’t notice the day passing.
Duine a shonrú, to take notice of s.o.
Níor shonraigh mé dada, I noticed nothing.
~ a chur i rud, to take notice of sth.
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