Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
As an ~, out of the reckoning; not included.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, (i) he took the roundabout way, (ii) he put himself out of his way (to do sth.).
~ as an teach, out of the house.
Iasc úr ~ as an uisce, fish fresh out of the water.
~ is isteach sa teach, in and out of the house.
Tá fear an tí ~, the man of the house is out, not at home.
~ as an teach, out of, away from, the house.
Bhain tú an t-~ asam, you frightened the life out of me.
~ as an uaimh, out of (the depths of) the cave.
ón trá, as an tobar, up from the strand, out of the well.
As bealach, bóthar, cosán, slí, out of the way, in error.
Tá tú as an imirt, you are out of the game.
Fág as an áireamh é, leave it out of the reckoning.
Cuireadh as ~ na diallaite é, he was thrown out of the saddle.
An mhaith, an t-olc, an bhrí, a bhaint as rud, to take the good, the harm, the strength, out of sth.
An ghoimh a bhaint as rud, to take the venom out of sth.
An bród, an leisce, an cotadh, a bhaint as duine, to take the pride, the laziness, the shyness, out of s.o.
Bhain tú as mo bhéal é, you took the words out of my mouth.
Beatha a bhaint as an talamh, to make a living out of the land.
3. Thar a bhaint san uisce, out of his depth in the water.
Bhánaigh siad an halla, they put everybody out of the hall.
Ná lig thar a bheacht é, don’t let it exceed the correct amount; don’t let it out of its proper position.
Bhain tú as mo bhéal é, you took the words out of my mouth.
As ~, out of the way; wrong.
Bhladair sé an t-airgead uaim, he wheedled the money out of me.
Bainfidh mise an ~ de, I’ll take the shine out of him.
Bainne a bhogadh, to warm, take the chill out of, milk.
Tá ~ san abhainn chomh maith is a gabhadh fós, there are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
~ an sú as, press the juice out of it.
~ a dhá thaobh ar a chéile, press the two sides of it together; flatten it out.
Bhrúigh siad an t-anam asam, they squashed the life out of me.
~ amach an mála, beat out the (contents of the) bag.
~ amach as an teach iad, beat them out of the house.
Bualadh faoin saol, to set about (the responsibilities of) life; to go out into the world.
Rud a chur le ~, to seek out the origin of sth.
Thit an ~ as, the bottom fell out of it.
Bhí an bád ag imeacht as ~, the boat was going out of control.
An chaismirneach a bhaint as an rópa, to take the twists out of the rope.
~ amach (as an teach, san abhainn) iad, throw them out (of the house, into the river).
~adh na daoine as an áit, the people were cleared out of the place.
An chiall cheart a bhaint as rud, to take the right meaning out of sth.
Scéal a cheartú do dhuine, to explain, give the ins and outs of, a story to s.o.
Ag ceiliúradh ón obair, backing out of the work.
Bhain tú an chiall chontráilte, do chiall féin, as, you took the wrong, your own, meaning out of it.
Ag ~adh na tíre ar a lorg, combing out the country in search of him.
Cuir ar chlár do bhoise é, place it on the palm of your hand; out with it.
Amach ar an g~ libh, get out into the open, out of doors.
Rud a choinneáil as tuarastal, as an áireamh, to keep sth. out of a salary, out of the reckoning.