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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: acht · bracht · rachta · reacht · ruacht
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racht1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). Pent-up, violent, emotion; paroxysm, fit; outburst. ~ a bheith ort, to be in a state of emotion, in a passion. Do ~ a ligean amach, to give vent to ones feelings. Nuair a chuir an ~ sin de, when he had got over that fit, had made that outburst. Chuir an ~ sin croí, she got that load off her chest. ~ gáire, goil, fit of laughter, of crying. ~ áthais, bróin, fit of joy, of sorrow. ~ casachtaí, paroxysm of coughing. ~ cainte, flood of talk.
racht2 = riocht.
Racht caointe, fit of crying.
Lig a racht a chloí, let him give vent to his emotion.
~ a choinneáil ar do racht, ar na gáirí, to hide ones emotion, keep oneself from laughing.
Racht ~e, fit of devotion.
Racht goil a chur díot, to have a fit of crying.
Do racht a ~ean amach, to give vent to ones feelings.
~ de mhaide, stout heavy stick.
Bhí ~ de mhuineál air, he had a powerful neck.
~ mór cloiche, huge shaft of rock.
~ fir, big strong man.
Shocraigh nuair a chuir an racht sin de, he calmed down when he got over that fit.
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