Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: rosé · prose · roe · rope · ros
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Seans gur foirm é rose de: rise »
D’éirigh sé a chaint, he rose to speak.
Ar dhath an róis, rose-coloured.
D’~ an ghaoth, the wind rose.
D’éirigh siad i m~ uisce, they rose to the surface of the water.
D’éirigh sé chun ~e, he rose to speak.
~ róis, rose-bud.
D’éirigh sé de chothrom talún, he rose, jumped, right off the ground.
~ conróis, sceiche, spíonán, dog-rose, hawthorn, gooseberry, bush.
Rós, síoda, ~, damask rose, silk.
Tá sé ar dhath an óir, an róis, an fhéich, na fola, na gcaor, it is golden-, rose-, raven-, blood-, berry-, coloured.
~ róis, feochadáin, rose-, thistle-, thorn.
Bláth agus ~ an róis, the bloom and radiance of the rose.
~ an róis, the blush of the rose.
D’~ an ghrian, an ghealach, the sun, the moon, rose.
Nuair a bhí an mhaidin ag éirí, as dawn rose.
D’~ sé den talamh, in airde sa spéir, he rose off the ground, high in the sky.
D’~ an t-éan ar eiteog, the bird rose on the wing.
D’~ giorria romham, a hare rose in front of me.
D’~ sé trí huaire san uisce, he rose three times in the water.
D’~ an ghaoth, an stoirm, the wind, the storm, rose.
D’~ sé aníos go tobann, he rose, bobbed, up suddenly.
D’~ sé ar a chos chlé, he rose on his left foot; he got out of bed on the wrong side.
D’~ an chearc de na huibheacha, the hen rose from, abandoned, the eggs.
Ón déirc a d’~ sé, he rose from beggary.
~ róis, rose-gall.
Is ~ leis a bhfeiceann sé, he likes what he sees; he sees things through rose-coloured glasses.
~ ón rós ag gríos a grua, her cheek is redder than the rose.
D’éirigh an tuile leis na bruacha, the flood rose against the banks.
Bhí a ~ mar an rós, her cheek was like the rose.
~ cónach, rose bit.
Mar ~ an drúchta ar chiumhais an róis, like dew-drops set on the edge of the rose.
~ tine, fire-weed, rose-bay willow-herb.
D’éirigh sé ~ a bheadh éan ann, he rose like a bird.
Mhéadaigh ar an meas a bhí agam air, he rose in my esteem.
Tá ~í ag teacht ar na prátaí, ar na rósanna, the potato-tops, the roses, are beginning to bud.
D’éirigh an fharraige ina mothair os a gcionn, the sea rose in huge swells over them.
~ róis, attar of roses.
~ caonaigh, carraige, damascach, dreaptha, moss-, rock-, damask, climbing, rose.
An ~, the rose, erysipelas.
~ an róis ina grua, the rose’s hue in her cheek.
Tá na rósóga ag ~eadh, the rose-trees are coming into bloom.
Shéid an oíche, the wind rose during the night.
~ spréite, perforated nozzle, rose.
Ní bhíonn an ~ gan an donas ina orlaí tríd, there is no rose without thorns.
7. Rós spréite, full-blown rose.
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