Sin é a bhí agat a dhéanamh, that is what you should have done.
Bhí sé mór againn imeacht air, it was too much to expect that we should leave without him.
Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
Is ionadh liom sin a bheith ina ~ ort, it is strange that you should be puzzled by that.
B’~ liom a bheith ann, I should like to be there.
Má tá rud agat ~ é, if you are well off you should thank God for it.
Ba cheart duit a mbriathra féin a thabhairt ~, you should quote their own words.
Is ~ an rud dom labhairt leis, at least I should speak to him.
Bíodh Dia ar do bhéal i gcónaí, God’s name should always be on one’s lips.
Dá mbéarfadh ort, if you should be in a fix.
Is ~ do dhuine Dia a ghuí, one should pray to God.
Ní ~ do neach dul in éadóchas, one should not give way to despair.
Dá bhrí duit gur cheart do dhuine a bheith faichilleach, which goes to show that one should be cautious.
Má bhronnann Dia clann orthu, if God should bless them with children.
Ba mhaith liom fios bunaidh an scéil a bheith agam, I should like to get at the underlying facts of the story.
~ eile mar a déarfainn é? How else should I say it? (As exclamation)
~ é ba chóir dom a rá? What should I say, have said?
~ é a bheadh orm gan dul ann? Why should I not go there?
Dá gcasfaí a luach chuig duine, if one should have the price of it.
I g~ go, nach, mbeimis ann, in case we should, should not, be there.
Cé a bheadh ann ach Brian? Who should it be but Brian?
Cé a casadh, a chasfaí orm, ach é féin? Who did, should, I meet but himself?
Ba é do cheart sin a insint dom, you should have told me that.
An rachaidh tú? Is é sin mo cheart. Will you go? It is right that I should.
Bhí sé de cheart acu suí, they were entitled to sit; they should have sat down.
Ba cheart duit labhairt leis, you should speak to him.
Bhí sé ~ agat é a rá, you should have said it.
Ba cheart dó a bheith láidir má lean sé a athair, he should be strong if he took after his father.
Tá sin mar is ~, that is as it should be.
Mar ba cheart dó a bheith, as it should be.
Ní ag ~ ar Dhia é, not that we should be dissatisfied with what God gives us.
Má bhíonn tú ~ gan é, should you ever be without it.
Ní chinnfinn céim thar ceart, I would not go one step further than I should.
Ba den chinniúint gur tharla sé, chance ordained that it should happen.
Dá mbrisfí ~ air, no matter how much he should be punished.
Ba chóir a rá (go), it should be mentioned (that).
Cár chóra domsa ná duitse é a dhéanamh? Why should I do it any more than you?
Thabharfainn ~ ann, I should be glad to get rid of it.
Ná labhair leis na ~a má bhíonn an ceann sa láthair, one should try to deal with the proper authorities.
Ní ~ focal de, one should not believe a word of it.
Ba cheart duit ~ éigin a chur ort féin, you should make some plans for yourself.
Má chruann air, if things should go hard with him, if he should be hard pressed.
~ ghearr is a déanamh go hannamh, ‘a short visit and not too frequent’, one should not wear out one’s welcome.
Ní ~ bhuíochais dó é, it is nothing for which he should be thanked.
Ba cheart duit do ghnó a chur chun cinn níos fearr ná sin, you should do better than that to promote your business.
Ba cheart duit é a chur ina luí air, you should impress it on him.
Dá mb’fhearr leat é, should you prefer it.
Dá mba i n~ (is) go, if it should happen that.
Dhéanfadh sé cúis, ~ leat, it should suffice, one would think.
Is mairg a mbeadh doicheall roimh dheacair aige, one should face up to one’s troubles.