Ag ~ leis an saol, struggling with adversity.
Chuir mé an ~ sin díom, I survived that struggle, got over that illness.
Ag ~, struggling, wrestling.
Ag comhrac na ceiste, leis an gceist, struggling with the question.
Ag ~ leis an obair, leis an saol, struggling with the work, with life.
Ag ~ le, toiling at, struggling with.
Ag fuirseadh an tsaoil, leis an saol, struggling to make a living.
Ag ~ leis an mbás, struggling with death.
I ~ an choimheascair, at the height of the struggle.
Nach dona an ~ a bhí ann, he didn’t put up much of a struggle, didn’t last long.
Is gearr a sheas an duine bocht, the poor fellow didn’t put up much of a struggle.
Ag ~adh leis an saol, struggling with adversity.
Ag ~ leis an saol, struggling with life.
Bím ag ~ liom, I keep struggling along.
Bím ag ~ liom, I keep struggling along.
Ag ~t le rud, dragging at, struggling with, sth.
Ag ~t leis an saol, struggling to live.
Bím ag ~t liom, I keep struggling along.
Bhí ~ chrua agam leis, I had to struggle hard with it; I found it a heavy drag.
Is géar a chuaigh an saol leo, they had a severe struggle in life.