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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: cáth · caith · caoth · cat · catch
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cath, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna).1. Battle. ~ a chur, a throid, a bhualadh, to wage, fight, a battle. ~ a bhriseadh ar arm, to defeat an army in battle. F:An ~ a bhriseadh, to break the ice. ~ cothrom a thabhairt, to engage in fair fight. ~ a chóiriú, to arrange forces for battle. S.a. cóiriú 2. In ord ~a, in battle order. Ag cur ~a ar choinlíní, tilting at windmills. Ní hé lá an chatha lá an chnuasaithe, a stitch in time saves nine. S.a. culaith 2, rosc21. 2. Conflict, trial. Chuir mé an ~ sin díom, I survived that struggle, got over that illness. 3. Battalion. (Var:npl. ~a, gpl. ~)
D’~ an chatha, after the battle.
~ catha, field of battle.
Cath a bhriseadh ar arm, to defeat an army in battle.
I m~ an chatha, in the front line of battle.
~ catha, cluiche, troda, victory in battle, in game, in fight.
Cath, cluiche, duais, a bhuachan, to win a battle, a game, a prize.
D’iarr sé ~ bliana orthu gan cath a chur leis, he asked them for a year’s respite from battle.
~ chatha, battle omen.
Na catha ~ i g~, the successive battles.
~ catha, rank of battle.
~ airm, catha, flank of army, of battle.
~ claíomh, catha, clash of swords, noise of battle.
~ chatha, battle rivalry.
Córacha catha, ‘runs’, flourishes, in story-telling.
Cath a chóiriú, to array forces for battle.
~ catha, (i) battle array, (ii)
Is maith an ~ (catha) a thug sí air, she really told him off.
Ní gnách cath gan chomha, it is not usual to fight without offering terms of peace.
~ chatha, mainstay in battle.
An cath a chothú go hoíche, to keep up the battle until nightfall.
~ catha, troda, battle, fighting, ring.
~ catha, champion in battle.
Cath a chur, to engage in battle.
~ chatha, battle equipment.
Cath cúlchosanta, rearguard battle.
~ catha, battle-cruiser.
~ catha, defeat in battle.
Cathanna ~a, close battalions.
Cuireadh ~ catha ar na saighdiúirí, the soldiers were drawn up for battle.
Líne, cath, eagair, ordered line, battle(-formation).
~ chatha, battle armour.
Rinne siad eití catha dá marcshlua, they placed their cavalry on the wings.
Cath ~, sea-battle.
~adh cath eatarthu, a battle was fought between them.
Cath ~, fierce battle.
~ catha, field of battle.
Cath a fhreagairt, to deliver battle.
Cath a fhreastal, to join in battle.
Thit sé i bh~ an chatha, he fell on the opposing side in the battle.
Cath ~, bloody battle.
~ chatha, sheilge, battle-, hunting-, cry.
Cath go n~ nó cath go mbriathra, an armed battle or a battle of words.
Cath, ionsaí, ~, sharp battle, encounter.
Cath go ndíth, a destructive battle.
Bhí ~ chatha, ~ áigh, ar a cheannaghaidh, he had the fearful look of battle in his face.
Gráin chatha, caltrops.
In ~ chatha, joined in battle.
Chuir siad ~ catha orthu féin, they arranged themselves for battle.
Cath a inleadh, to array forces for a battle.
Catha, easa, ~, many battles, waterfalls.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht