Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: caoch · catach · catchy · cath · cac
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rinneamar ~ maith ar an iasc, we caught a fair amount of fish.
Beir air ~ ná bris é, catch it but don’t break it.
~ mise greim a fháil air, when I catch him.
In ~ sna driseacha, caught in the briars.
Níor ~ mé i gceart é, I didn’t quite catch it.
Rugadh ~ air, he was caught on the wrong foot.
2. In ~, entangled, caught.
~ éisc, quantity, catch, of fish.
Fuair, tholg, sé a bhás as, he caught his death from it.
Aireoidh tú ~! You’ll catch it!
Breith ar rud, to catch, take hold of, sth.
Rug sé ar lámh, greim láimhe, orm, he caught, gripped, me by the hand.
Rug na gardaí air, the guards caught him.
Breith amuigh ar dhuine, to catch s.o. out, unprepared.
Breith maol, san fhoghail, ar dhuine, to catch s.o. red-handed.
Breith beo ar dhuine, to catch, reach, s.o. alive.
Breith ar fhocal, to catch, grasp the meaning of, a word.
Breith ar bhus, to catch a bus.
Rug sí ina ~ air, she caught it in her lap.
2. Fuarthas ~ air, he was caught off his guard.
Tá sé ina bhrá acu, they have caught, arrested, him; they are holding him prisoner.
Níl ~ an tlú leo, they have caught nothing (not even a fish for grilling).
Cuir an ~ san eangach sula gcuire tú sa phota é, first catch your hare.
Níl ~ agam ar mo chuid oibre, I am unable to catch up with my work.
Cén bhrí ach gur tháinig an fhearthainn orainn? What matter but that we were caught in the rain?
Tá sé bruite ar bhainne duit, you’ll catch it.
Chuaigh an duán i g~ an éisc, the hook caught in the mouth of the fish.
An chaoi a mbeireann sé air, the way he catches it.
2. Bheith ~te san ucht, to be caught in the chest.
~adh sa tom, sa ghaiste, é, it got caught in the bush, in the trap.
Rug sí ar chéas a cinn uirthi, she caught her by the hair of the head.
Níor mhaith liom teacht in bhur g~ , I wouldn’t like to be caught in your wiles.
Bheith i gcorr an chochaill, to be caught, in a fix.
~ le, catch, meet, up with.
Choinnigh sé liom ag an séipéal, he caught up with me at the chapel.
Tá sé faoi do chomhair, you’ll catch it.
Rug sé thar mo chorp orm, he caught me round the body.
Cuideoidh mé leat nuair a gheobhaidh mé greim ort, I will get even with you when I catch you.
Cuideofar leat ag baile, you’ll catch it when you get home.
Is é a chuir ó iasc iad, it is what prevented them from catching fish.
Breith ar chúta an mhuiníl ar dhuine, to catch s.o. by the scruff of the neck.
Rug, tháinig, an ~ orm, I was caught out late.
B’fholláin Dé duit nár rug sé ort, you were lucky (it was God’s will) that he did not catch you.
Rug sé ar dhiúlfaíoch air, he caught him by the throat.
Is maith an ~ mná é, he is a good catch for a woman.
Ceapadh sa ~ é, he was caught in the snare.
~ éisc (a thógáil), (to take) a catch of fish.
Is é fuadach an chait ar an ~ aige é, he has caught a Tartar.
Breith i do dhorn ar rud, to catch sth. in one’s fist.
Bheith i n~, to be caught on a cliff-face, on a ledge; to be stuck, in a difficulty.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht