~ méire, slaite, tip of finger, of rod.
Bhí sé ar bharr mo theanga agam, I had it on the tip of my tongue, I was about to say it.
Ag bogadh na bláthaí do dhuine, humouring, tipping, s.o.
An mheá a bhriseadh, to tip the scales.
~ géige, extremity of limb; tip of branch.
~ na slise, (form of) tip-cat.
Má ghlacann tú ~ uaimse, if you take my tip.
Tá sé ar bharr a ghoib aige, he has it on the tip of his tongue.
~ scine, carraige, tip of knife, of rock.
Ar ghob na hoitreach, on the tip of the sandbank.
~ rinne, tip of promontory.
~ a chur ar bhróg, to tip a shoe with iron.
~ na láimhe, the tip of the hand.
~ iarnaí, iron-tipped cudgel.
~ bachaille, trostáin, tip of crozier, of staff.
2. ~ (méire), finger-tip.
~ bachaille, tip of staff.
~ láimhe a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a tip.
Do lámh a shíneadh chuig duine, to proffer one’s hand to s.o.; to extend a helping hand to s.o.; to offer s.o. a tip.
~ láimhe, (i) stretching out of hand, (ii) gratuity, tip.
~ barr, ~ sáile, ~ fulaingt, tip-top, overseas, beyond endurance.