Thug sé ~ chomhrá orm, he turned to speak to me.
Chuir siad an teach ~, they turned the house upside down, put the house in disorder.
~ cinn, ‘deck-head’, card turned up by dealer.
Chas sé ar a sháil, he turned on his heel.
Chas sé an coirnéal, he turned the corner.
Tá an teach ina chíor thuathail acu, they have everything in the house turned upside down.
Thug sé an chluas bhodhar, éisteacht na cluaise bodhaire, dom, he turned a deaf ear to me.
Thug sé ~ agus léim, he turned and sprang.
1. Chor sé a cheann, he turned his head.
Chor sé soir, siar, he turned east, west.
D’iompaigh sé ar a chois, he turned on his heel.
Do chúl a bheith le rud, to have one’s back turned to sth.
Thug siad a dhá g~ dá chéile, they turned their backs on each other, went their separate ways.
Nuair a fuair siad ~ mo chinn leo, when they got my back turned.
Rinne sé mí mhaith, samhradh tirim, it turned out to be a good month, a dry summer.
Talamh ~, turned-up fallow, ground.
Dhubhaigh is dhearg aige, he turned purple; he became all confused.
Is breá an ~ atá déanta acu inniu, they have turned up a lot of soil today.
Thug sé ~ ar bháine, he turned pale.
Dhírigh sé a intinn ar an léann, he turned his mind to learning.
Thug sé ~ na cluaise bodhaire dom, he turned a deaf ear to me.
Tá ~ ar an aimsir, the weather has turned fine.
Bhí sé ina fhiach eatarthu, they turned it into a chase.
D’fhill sé aníos osáin a bhríste, he turned up the legs of his trousers.
D’fhill sé ar ais, he turned back again.
D’fhill sé ar an teach, he went back to, turned back towards, the house.
~ baic, ~ ar bac, first strip turned in ploughing lea.
Thug sé ~ don bhaile, he turned his face against home.
Tá ~ ar an mbainne, the milk has turned sour.
Ghlan an ghaoth dúinn, the wind turned fair for us.
An rud a ghluais a n-intinn chun Dé, what turned their minds to God.
Thug siad a n~ le lár, they turned their faces to the ground.
Rinne siad ~ den áit, they turned the place into a quagmire.
Lig sé amach ar ghreann é, he turned it into a joke.
D’iompaigh sé ina ór, it turned to gold.
D’~ sé ar a sháil, he turned on his heel.
D’~ sé bun os cionn, it turned topsy-turvy.
D’~ dath an bháis air, he turned deathly pale.
D’~ sé ar Dhia, ar na sacraimintí, he turned to God, to the sacraments.
D’~ an lá chun báistí, the day turned to rain.
D’~ sé ina Chríostaí, ina eiriceach, he turned Christian, heretic.
Sin mar a d’~ an saol amach, that is how things turned out.
Tá an fheoil, an bainne, iompaithe, the meat, the milk, has turned.
Chuir sé ~ ar mo ghoile, it turned my stomach.
Thug sé a ghnúis le ~, he turned his face to the ground, bowed down to the ground.
Tá an áit ina ~ dhearg acu, they have turned the place into a den; they are haunting the place.
Thug sé a ~ liom, he half-turned away from me.
Chuaigh sé de ~ thar a chorp, he jumped head over heels, turned somersault.
Chruthaigh an séasúr go ~ dúinn, the season turned out well for us.