Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: buile · cuile · fuile · gile · guile
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
uile, a., s. & adv. 1. (Lenites following noun) All, every. (a) (With article) An ~ ní, all things. Ón ~ shíoraíocht, from all eternity. Tobar na h~ mhaitheasa, the fount of all goodness. Aiséirí na n-~ mharbh, the resurrection of all the dead. Lit:An ~ dhaoine, na h~ dhaoine, all people. (b) (With gach)Gach ~ dhuine, everybody. Gach ~ rud, everything. Gach ~ lá, every day. Údar gach ~ oilc, the author of every evil. (c) (With poss. pron.) Ó d’~ chroí, with all your heart. A n-~ mhaitheas shaolta, all their worldly goods. 2. (a) (After noun or pron. or synthetic verb) All, whole. An scéal ~, the whole story. Ar an domhan ~, in all the world. Dár muintir ~, to all our people. Bráithre sinn ~, we are all brothers. Tá siad ~ anseo, they are all here. Is linn ~ é eadrainn, it belongs to all of us in common. Sin ~ é, that is all. Tá a fhios sin ~ agam, I know all that. Bhíomar ~ i láthair, we were all present. Guímis ~ ar a son, let us all pray for them. (b) (Followed by go léir) An bia ~ go léir, all, every bit of, the food. Tá sé ~ go léir millte acu, they have destroyed it altogether. Tabhair leat iad ~ go léir, take the whole lot of them. S.a. léir2 3. 3. (As f. indeclinable s.) All. An ~, all, all things. Don ~, to all. Dia na n-~, the God of all. Oibríonn siad an Domhnach is ~, they work Sunday and all. Gach is ~, everything. Lit:Gheibhid na h~ bás, death comes to all. S.a. diaidh 2(n). 4. (As adv.) All, wholly, entirely. (a)Bhí mo chuid éadaigh fliuch ~, my clothes were all wet. Mura mbeadh ann ~ ach sin, even if there was nothing more than that to it. (b) Tá sé déanta go h~ agam, I have it all done. A theaghlach go h~, his entire family. Le mo shaol go huile, during my whole life. Go h~ is go hiomlán, totally and entirely.
Dá ~ sin, ~ sin (is uile), notwithstanding (all) that.
Gach, i ngach, uile ~, everywhere.
Gach uile rud ina ~ féin, everything in due course.
Tá aon chosúlacht ~ uile orthu, they all look the same, alike.
An uile lá, every day.
Tá gach uile rud ar ~ boise agaibh anseo, you have all conveniences here.
As a chéile tháinig siad uile, one by one they all came.
Aon bhail amháin a thabhairt orthu uile, to treat them all alike.
Ar gach uile bhealach, in every way.
Tá [’is é do bheatha’ aige do gach uile dhuine, he has a welcome for everybody.
Gach uile lá ~, every day that dawns.
Bhí gach uile dhuine ~ faoina bhás, everybody mourned his death.
Tá gach uile dhuine ~ de, he is well liked by everybody.
Tá gach uile rud ~ aige, he has got everything confused, muddled.
A m~ uile, nearly all of them.
Thar ~; os cionn ~ (uile), above all others.
Ná bí ag ceartú gach uile fhocail orm, don’t be correcting, contradicting, every word I say.
Tá gach uile cheird aige, he is a Jack of all trades.
An uile chineál duine, ruda, all sorts of persons, of things.
Aon chith amháin a d’fhliuch iad uile, they are all tarred with the same brush.
I g~, go g~, don teach uile, so that all in the house heard.
An uile thairne ina chodladh, every nail driven home.
Tá a chóir de gach uile rud aige, he has his fair share, enough, of everything.
Tá gach uile chóngar acu, they have every convenience.
Cuimsíonn sé na hoilc go huile, it includes all evil.
Chuir sé a mhuintir uile, he buried, outlived, all his people.
Dia na n-uile chumhacht, God almighty.
Tá gach uile rud ag daoirsiú, everything is getting dearer.
Ina dhiaidh, i n~, sin is uile, notwithstanding all that.
Mar an gcéanna dúinn uile, likewise with all of us.
Bhí gach uile dhreas acu air, they were all at it in turn.
Is ~ dúinn uile an bás, death must come to all of us.
Gach uile dhuine agus a ~ féin aige, everyone to his trade.
An uile ríocht agus ~, every kingdom and state.
An uile ~ dá ndearna siad, every violent deed done by them.
Iad uile in ~, all of them together, at once.
Ná hól (uile) in ~ é, don’t drink it all at once.
Dá ~ sin is uile, in spite of all that.
D’fhág siad gach uile rud ar son Dé, they left everything to serve God.
Bhí sé ina fhear acu uile, he was a match for all of them.
Tá gach uile rud i bh~ anois, everything is now in proper order.
Lá Fhéile Bríde, Pádraig, na Naomh Uile, na Marbh, St. Brigid’s, St. Patrick’s, All Saints’, All Souls’, Day.
Ní hiad na fir mhóra a bhaineann an ~ (go huile), strength is not everything.
Tá sé ~ san uile ní, he bears the responsibility for everything.
~ aon, ~ uile, every.
~ uile bhliain, every year.
Os cionn ~ uile ní, above all things.
Bhéarfainn uile ar ghnás Naoise, I would give all for the companionship of Naoise.
Go huile, go hiomlán, entirely.
Is umainn iafaid uile, they will all rally round us.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht