leigheas1, m. (gs. -ghis, pl. ~anna). 1. vn. of leigheas2. 2. (a) Art of healing, medicine. ~ a fhoghlaim, to learn, study, medicine. Scoil, cúrsa, leighis, medical school, course. Bord, oifigeach, leighis, medical board, officer. Lucht (an) leighis, the medical profession. (b) Medical treatment. ~ nua, new treatment. 3. Cure, remedy. (a) ~ ar chasacht, ar thinneas cinn, a cure for a cough, for a headache. Deoch, luibh, leighis, healing draught, herb. Tá ~ ann, it has healing properties. Bheith, dul, ó ~, to be, become, incurable. Prov: Níl luibh ná ~ in aghaidh an bháis, there is no cure for death. (b) ~ ar dhíobháil, redress for injury. Rud nach bhfuil ~ air, sth. that cannot be remedied. Níl ~ air, it can’t be helped. S.a. beart3 3. (c) Power of healing. Deirtear go bhfuil ~ ina lámha, it is said that he has healing power in his hands. (d)Fig: ~ ar shúile tinne, a sight for sore eyes.
leigheas2, v.t. & i. Heal; cure, remedy. Aicíd, lot, a ~, to cure a disease, a wound. Duine a ~ ar rud, to cure s.o. of sth. ~sé mo lámh, he cured my hand. Locht, éagóir, a ~, to remedy a fault, an injustice. Peacach a ~, to redeem a sinner. An scéal a ~, to mend matters. Rud ar bith is féidir a ~, anything that can be cured.
Níl aon leigheas ~ is fearr ná é, there is no better remedy known.
~ gan leigheas foighne is fearr air, what can’t be cured must be endured.
Leigheas (na) caillí, old woman’s remedy.
~ leighis, medical treatment.
~ airm, armlóin, eitilte, faisnéise, leighis, taidhleoireachta, army, army service, flying, intelligence, medical, diplomatic, corps.
~ na diagachta, an dlí, an leighis, na n-ealaíon, the faculty of theology, of law, of medicine, of arts.
~ leighis, healing potion.
~ gan leigheas, irreparable damage.
~ le Diagacht, le Dlí, le Leigheas, le Litríocht, Doctor of Divinity, of Laws, of Medicine, of Literature.
~ an leighis, the art of healing; medical science.
~ ceoil, dlí, leighis, musician, lawyer, physician.
Beart gan leigheas, ~ is fearr air, what can’t be cured must be endured.
~ gan leigheas, incurable disease.
~tar mórán chun a leighis, it takes a lot to remedy it.
~ leighis, salve, medicament.
Nach leigheas ar chasacht é? Is it not a cure for a cough?
Níor lamháladh í a leigheas, it was not vouchsafed that she should be cured.
Dochtúir le leigheas, doctor of medicine.
Ar ~ bhreoiteachta, leighis, on a sick-bed, convalescing in bed.
~ leighis, ~ íce, healing herb.
Cóir leighis a mholadh do dhuine, to prescribe a course of treatment for s.o.
Tá sé ó leigheas, he is incurable.
1. ~ leighis, sláinte, medical, health, officer.
Leigheas na ~e a hól arís, take a hair of the dog that bit you.
~ leighis, master physician.
Cóiriú ~ leighis, beneficial course of treatment.
~ dlí, eolaíochta, leighis, legal, scientific, medical, term.
Is féidir a leigheas ach dul roimhe in am, it can be remedied if preventive measures are taken in time.
1. Leigheas a thriail, to try a remedy.
~ ag déanamh leighis, a layman practising cures.
~ ar obair, ar chúrsaí leighis, ar an saol, an understanding of work, of medical matters, of life.