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How about a game? céard a déarfá le cluiche?
When is the match? cathain, cén uair, a bheidh an cluiche ann?
Bowling match, cluiche bollaí.
Game of cards, cluiche m cártaí.
A cautious game, cluiche airdeallach.
A game of chance, cluiche m áidh.
Come on, let's have a game! seoigí, bíodh cluiche againn.
Cup-and-ball, (cluiche) cupa agus liathróide.
The match was won by default, buadh an cluiche a los éagmaise.
a.Ding-dong match, cluiche an-chothrom.
Kerry drew (the game) with Galway, cluiche cothrom a bhí idir Ciarraí agus Gaillimh.
Drawn battle, match, cath, cluiche, cothrom.
Sp: The final, an cluiche m ceannais, an ceannchluiche m.
Sp: Friendly match, cluiche cairdeachais.
Game of skill, of chance, cluiche clisteachta, áidh.
The game's up, tá an cluiche caillte.
To have, play, a game of hurling, cluiche iomána a imirt.
How goes the game?, cad é an saghas an cluiche? cén bhail atá ar an gcluiche?
I am game, tá an cluiche liom.
The odd game, the deciding game, cluiche na fola.
Ten: Game, set and match, cluiche, cor agus comórtas.
F: He had, held, the game in his hands, bhí an cluiche ina dhorn aige.
Let's have a hand of twenty-five, bíodh cluiche cúig fichead againn.
Hard match, cluiche géar.
Hardly-contested match, cluiche díbhirceach.
Let us have a game, bíodh cluiche againn.
To juggle with s.o.'s feelings, an cluiche claonach a imirt ar dhuine.
Kick-off at two o'clock, (an cluiche) ag tosú ag a dó a chlog.
Laws of a game, rialacha cluiche.
That mistake lost him the match, his job, chaill sé an cluiche, a phost, de bharr an dearmaid sin.
Love game, cluiche glaice.
To win the match, an cluiche a bhuachan, a bhaint.
He never misses a match, ní ligeann sé cluiche ar bith thairis.
Ten: Mixed double, cluiche dúbailte measctha.
Ninepins, (cluiche) pionnaí mpl.
(At cards, etc.) The odd game, an cluiche corr.
The odds are that he will fall, tá urchar mór aige go gcaillfidh sé (an cluiche).
The game is off, tá an cluiche caite suas; ní bheidh an cluiche ann ar chor ar bith.
P: He worked the oracle, d'imir sé an cluiche; rinne sé an cleas.
F: He holds the pass, tá an cluiche ina láimh aige.
Play began at one o'clock, thosaigh an cluiche ag a haon a chlog.
To play fair, an cluiche a imirt go hionraic.
To play a match, cluiche a imirt.
To play s.o. at chess, cluiche fichille a imirt le duine.
Sp: To play off a game, cluiche (cothrom) a athimirt.
Sp: Practice match, cluiche cleachtadh.
He put one across me, d'imir sé an cluiche claonach orm.
Sp: Return match, cluiche m comhair.
The rubber game, cluiche na fola.
To play a safe game, cluiche faichilleach a imirt.
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