Cut off the joint, stiall den spóla.
Prime cut, stiall f den chéad scoth.
He is pulling the devil by the tail, tá sé ar an mballán stéille.
Flip of the tail, smitín m, stiall f, den eireaball.
He is free with what is not his own, is fial a stiall de leathar duine eile.
(Of pers.) To lash out at s.o., (i) tarraingt le stiall ar dhuine; (ii) tabhairt faoi dhuine (sa chaint).
To ramp and rave, bheith ag stialladh agus ag stróiceadh cainte.
Slab of bread, stiall f aráin.
To slice off a piece from sth., stiall a ghearradh de rud.
(Proof-)slip, stiall f (de phrofa).
Level stretch of road, stiall f de bhóthar cothrom.
Mil: Loading strip (of machine-gun), stiall f lódála.
To give s.o. a good talking-to, stiall den teanga a thabhairt do dhuine.