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cén :22.
Cén t-~ é go Corcaigh? How far is it to Cork?
Cá h~ é? Cá h~ dó? Cad is ~ dó? Cén t-~ atá air? What is his name?
Cén chaoi a n-airíonn tú? How do you feel?
Cén t-~ é? Cad é an t-~ atá sé? What time is it?
Cá h~, cén ~, é? What age is he?
Cén bhail atá oraibh? How are you keeping?
Conas taoi? Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú? Cad é mar tá tú? How are you?
Cén bhrí ach gur tháinig an fhearthainn orainn? What matter but that we were caught in the rain?
Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú? How are you?
Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú ag ~? What is your ailment?
Cén fear é? What man is he?
Cén lá den tseachtain é? What day of the week is it?
Cén aois é? What age is he?
Cén uair? At what time? When?
Cén áit? At what place? Where?
Cén fáth? For what reason? Why?
Cén chaoi? Cén dóigh? In what way? How?
Cén amaidí í! What nonsense!
Cén bhéicíl atá ort? Why are you shouting?
~ ar bith cén fáth a bhí aige leis, whatever reason he had for it.
Cén ~ ar díobh é? What is his surname?
Cén chuma a bhfuil tú? How are you?
Cá bhfuil do dheis? Cén ~ (a bhfuil) tú? Which hand do you use?
Cén ~ atá agat orm? What jurisdiction have you over me?
Cén ~ atá ort? What are you hesitating about, waiting for? Why don’t you make up your mind?
Cén ~ atá ort? What’s grieving you?
Cén ~? For what reason? Why?
Cén ~ atá ort? What’s your rush?
Cén ceann a ghlacfaidh tú? Which one will you take?
Cén chaoi a bhfuil an cluiche ag imeacht? How is the match going?
Cén ~ atá agaibh air? Why are you playing pranks on him, annoying him?
Cén ~ atá ann inniu? What day is this?
Cén uimhir a ~ann a sé? What number comes after six?
Léifidh mé dó cén sórt duine é, I’ll let him know what sort of person he is.
Cén chaoi a bhfuil an mháistreás? How is the missus?
Cén aois a mheasfá dó? What age would you take him to be?
Cad é an ~, cén ~, airgid a chaill tú? How much money did you lose?
Cén ~ a bhfuil tú? How are you?
Cén ~ is fearr agat? What big news have you got?
Cén ~ í seo ort? What is this you are up to?
Cén ~ é? What is his way of life?
Cén t~ de dhuine é? What sort of a person is he?
Cén lá den t~ é? What day of the week is it?
Cén ~ a bhfuil an chathair? In which direction is the city?
Cén ~ a ndeachaigh siad? Which way did they go?
Cén bealach a thóg siad? Which way did they take?
Cén ~ a bhfuil aghaidh an tí? Which way does the house face?
Cá h~? Cén ~? When?
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