~ ar éirigh mé ar maidin, when I got up in the morning.
Fuair sé a ~, he got his wish.
Is aige a fuair mé an speal, I got the scythe from him.
Fuair sé a mb’~ leis, he got all he wanted.
Tá ~ do shúl leat, you have got what you fancied.
Dá bhfaighinn ~ air, if I got an opening, a chance, to hit him.
Fuair mé ~ cruinn air an iarraidh sin, I got a good shot at it that time.
Chuaigh sé ~ sa dorchadas, he got lost in the dark.
Is fada an muineál atá air, he has got such a long neck.
Níor tharraing sé (aon) ~ slán ó loiteadh é, he never recovered his health from the time he got hurt.
Thit an t-~ as, d’fhág an t-~ é, he got the fright of his life.
Níl (an) ~ céille aige, he hasn’t got much sense.
Ar éirí dom, when I get, got, up.
Fuair sé ar '~ orm' é, he got it for half nothing.
Bhuail ~ mé, tháinig ~ ionam, I got a sudden pain in my side.
Baineadh ~ as, he got a fall (off sth.).
Chuaigh na maidí rámha in ~ orthu, their oars got mixed up.
Chuaigh an bhó in ~ sa chriathrach, the cow got stuck in the bog.
Buaileadh síos faoi ~ é, he got a relapse.
Chuir mé cluiche agus bhí mé dhá phingin sa bháin, I got a game and was owed twopence from the kitty.
Nuair a bhain mé an teach amach, when I got to the house.
Bhain sé an doras díom, he got to the door before me.
Tá mé i mo bhall séire acu, they have got me all mixed up.
Fágadh ar an m~ cúil, stéille, é, he got the smallest share.
Tá an ~ agam air, I have got the better of him.
Fuair mé ceann de bharraíocht ort, I got one more than you.
D’fháisc siad ~ ar a chéile, they got to grips with each other.
Fuair sé breith a bhéil féin, he got what he asked for.
Is dona mar a chaith mé mo bheart ina measc, I got on very badly with them.
Rug sé a mbua, he defeated them, got the better of them.
Rug sé na cosa, na sála, leis, he took to his heels; he got away.
Ní ~ orthu a bhfuair siad tar éis a saothair, they got very little after all their labour.
D’éirigh go ~ liom, I got on splendidly.
Dheamhan ~ a fuair mé, I got nothing at all.
Fuair sé an ball ~ ionam, he got on the soft side of me.
Is mór a bhorr na daoine sin, those people have got on well in the world.
D’éirigh go ~ liom, I got on well.
Fuair tú punt de bhreis orm, you got a pound more than I got.
Fuair sé ~ a chionta, he got his deserts.
Bhuail an ghrian é, he got sunstroke.
Bhuail mé romham go bhfuair mé dídean na hoíche, I kept right on till I got shelter for the night.
Fuair sé ~ millteanach, he got a terrible beating.
Tá gach uile rud ~ aige, he has got everything confused, muddled.
Is beag an cháin a rinneadh air, he got off lightly.
Tá an focal sin ~ agat, you have got that word wrong.
Chuir mé an ~ sin díom, I survived that struggle, got over that illness.
Fuair mé ar ~ é, I got it at an auction(-sale).
~adh sa tom, sa ghaiste, é, it got caught in the bush, in the trap.
Fuair tú a g~ de luach orthu, you got a fair price for them.
Níl sé leat mar is ~, you haven’t got it right.