Níl ~ aige ar challán, he can’t bear noise.
Ní chluinim thú ag gleo na bpáistí, I can’t hear you because of the noise of the children.
~ a dhéanamh, to make a noise.
~ a thógáil, to create a noise, cause a disturbance.
~ páistí, the noise, loud voices, of children.
~ claíomh, catha, clash of swords, noise of battle.
An gleo a d’~, the noise that arose.
~eacht le fuaim, le glór, le torann, to listen to a sound, a voice, a noise.
Thóg siad ~ mhór faoi, they made a lot of noise about it.
~ a dhéanamh, to make a noise, to kick up a row.
~ páistí, noise of children.
Ag ~, fighting, contending; making a noise, an uproar.
Ag ~, making a noise, fussing.
Ag ~, making sounds, making a noise, vociferating.
Bhí fearg air faoi go raibh siad ag déanamh gleo, he was angry because they were making noise.
~ ar thorann, abatement of noise.
Ná bíodh an oiread sin calláin libh, don’t come with so much noise.
Níor chuala mé é le gleo na bpáistí, I didn’t hear it because of the noise of the children.
~ an tslua, the noise of the crowd.
An mothaíonn tú an callán atá acu? Do you hear the noise they are making?
Neartú le gleo, to intensify strife; to increase noise.
Bodhar ó thorann an tráchta, deaf from the noise of the traffic.
~igí den ghleo, stop making noise.
Shíothlaigh an callán, the noise died away.
Fan go socraí an gleo, wait till the noise dies down.
~ gaoithe, gleo, abatement of wind, of noise.
Bhí sé ag cur thairis faoi ghleo na bpáistí, he was giving out about the noise of the children.
~ a dhéanamh, to make a noise.
~ a dhéanamh (le bróga, le cannaí, le casúir), to make a noise (with boots, with cans, with hammers).
Thost an comhrá, an callán, the conversation, the noise, ceased.
~ a dhéanamh (le bróga, le casúr, le cannaí), to make noise (with boots, with a hammer, with cans).
~ trat, sound of tramping feet, noise, din.