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Bás duine a bheartú, to plan the death of s.o.
De réir mar a bhí beartaithe, according to plan.
~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to plan sth.; to manage to do sth.
Bheith ag cur as aon bhonn (amháin), to co-operate, work to common plan.
Beart a chuimhneamh, to think of a plan.
Plean, scéim, a chumadh, to devise a plan, a scheme.
Plean a dhéanamh, to make a plan.
Tá sé deilbhithe (amach) agam, I have it shaped, planned out.
Ní grian a ghoras a ubh, he knows how to plan ahead, is quite a schemer.
Bhí sé ~tha amach agam, bhí mé ~tha amach ar, é a dhéanamh, I had planned, made arrangements, to do it.
An plean a mhol sé, the plan he put forward.
Rud a phleanáil, to plan sth.
Ag ~ eatarthu féin, planning, plotting, among themselves.
Plean, léarscáil, a tharraingt, to draw a plan, a map.
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