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D’aon ~, on purpose.
D’~ ghnó, d’~ turas, d’~ toisc, d’~ oghaim, of set purpose, deliberately.
Ceann ar ~, (i) headlong, (ii) on purpose.
4. ~ a bhaint as rud, to make sth. serve one’s purpose.
~ mo shiúil, the purpose of my journey.
~ ar aghaidh, (i) headlong, (ii) on purpose.
Lena aghaidh a ~adh é, it was designed for that purpose.
Níor chlaon sé óna rún, he did not diverge from his purpose.
caorach, gabhar, géanna, number of sheep, goats, geese, equated to a heifer for grazing purposes.
Bhí an chóir agus an chontráil ag teacht trasna ar a chéile orm, I was unable to take advantage of the favourable conditions; I was at cross purposes with myself.
Do bheart a chur i gcrích, to achieve one’s purpose; to finish one’s job.
Ní hé an ~ a thug anseo é, he hasn’t come here for any good purpose.
Rinne sé ~ dom, it served my purpose.
Tá ~ mo cháis agam, I have enough to serve my purpose.
Ag troid, ag gleic, faoin ~ fholamh, fighting, quarrelling, to no purpose, over nothing.
Ag fadú tine faoi loch, doing something to no purpose.
Duine a fháil (le haghaidh ruda), to get s.o. (for some purpose).
~ aille, ‘cliff-grass’, tough grass unsuitable for feeding purposes.
Déanfaidh sé ~ dom, it will serve my purpose.
Fad is a mhairfidh sé fónfaidh sé, it will serve its purpose while it lasts.
~ a bhaint as rud; rud a chur chun fónaimh duit féin, to make sth. serve one’s purpose; to make good use of sth.
Do ghaisneas a bhaint as rud, to make sth. serve one’s purpose, to make do with sth.
D’aon ghnó ~, entirely on purpose.
Rinne sé ~ dom, it served my purpose.
12. D’aon ghnó, (i) on purpose, (ii) for a joke.
Rinne sé d’aon ghnó é, he did it on purpose.
Tá siad ar dhá cheann na héille le chéile, they are tugging against each other, at cross purposes.
Le h~ óil, for drinking purposes.
Lena ~ sin, for that purpose.
Rún leasaithe, purpose of amendment.
6. De ~, on purpose.
Ar aon ~, on purpose.
Le haghaidh, faoi choinne, na hócáide, for that very purpose.
D’aon oghaim, on purpose.
Bhí ~ mhadra an dá cháis orm, I was running hither and thither to no purpose.
~ daingean, firm purpose.
Cuspóir a shárú, to thwart a purpose.
Tháinig sé d’aon ~, he came on purpose.
3. Cuspóir a shroicheadh, to achieve a purpose.
~ aoise, cuspóra, attainment of age, of purpose.
Bhí siad ag gabháil ~ a chéile sa díospóireacht, they were at cross-purposes in the debate.
D’aon ~, on purpose.
Bhí siad ag teacht ~ ar a chéile, they were at cross purposes.
Tá siad ag trasnú ar a chéile, they are at cross purposes.
Faoi thuairim, to, towards; for, for the purpose of.
D’aon ~, (i) on purpose, (ii) in jest.
Rinne sé d’aon ~ é, he did it on purpose.
Le h~, in front of, before, in anticipation of, for the purpose of.
Rún ~e, sinister purpose.
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