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Sin é a deir na húdair, that is what the authorities state.
Tá an scéal go h~, things are in a sorry state.
Tá sin ~, that is so, as stated.
In ~, in a state of chaos.
Ar bhail na ngrást, in a state of grace.
Bheith ~ta, do do bheophianadh, to be in a state of suspense.
Tá cos bhocht air, his leg is in a bad state (with injury).
Is ~ an scéal é, it is a sad state of affairs.
Ní ~ dom a rá, it is no exaggeration for me to state.
Tá ~ aige lena chuid cainte, he has first-hand authority for what he states; he knows what he is talking about.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to state the qualities possessed by s.o., to give a reference concerning s.o.
~ an Stáit, the case for the State.
I g~ idir dhá chomhairle, in a state of perplexity.
~ a dhéanamh (le duine, ar dhuine), to make a complaint, state a grievance (to s.o., against s.o.).
~ a bheith ort, to be in a state of nerves.
Tá an ghealach i mbéal ~n, the moon is entering a quarter state.
bí, to denote either habitual or future state or action)
Mar atá ráite ~ (féin), as stated already.
~ agus tuath, church and state; clergy and laity.
Thug sé an talamh chun cineáil, he brought the land to its natural state of fertility.
~ (an) stáit, treasury, state funds.
Faoi choimirce an stáit, under the aegis, auspices, of the state.
~ Stáit, State Council.
Stáit a chomhcheangal, to confederate states.
Stáit a chónascadh, to federate states.
~a déanacha an duine, man’s last state; the Four Last Things.
Bhí sé i g~ titim, he was in a state of collapse.
I g~(anna) báis, in a dying state.
Cúraimí stáit, oifige, cares of state, of office.
Is ~ an scéal é, it is a nice state of affairs.
Tá sé go ~! He is in a nice state (of intoxication)!
Ar dhea-staid, in a proper state; in a state of grace.
Níl tús ná ~ air, (i) it is in a state of chaos, (ii) he is all confused, can do nothing right.
Bhí sé mar a chonaic D~ é, he was in a pitiable state.
Bheith i do dhiúra dheabhra, to be in a state of utter confusion, to be left speechless.
Is ~ an scéal é, it is a sad state of affairs.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to reduce sth. to a trampled state.
Chuir siad ~ ar mo gharraí, they left my garden in a bad state.
Stát eadrána, buffer state.
Ar chúl ~a, in a backward state or position; isolated, unnoticed, forgotten.
Is olc liom tú a bheith san ~ sin, I am sorry that you are in such a state.
Na hEastáit Ghinearálta, the States General.
An uile ríocht agus ~, every kingdom and state.
~ a dhéanamh i bpeaca, to remain long in a state of sin.
Bheith ar an bh~, to be in a bad way, in a state of woe.
Deir sé ~ (go), he states further (that).
Deirtear ~ (go), it is also stated (that).
Tá rudaí ar ~ fadar, ina bh~ fadar, things are in a state of confusion.
Bheith i n~ calm, to be in a becalmed state, in the doldrums.
Bheith sa ghlóir, to be in heavenly glory; to be in one’s glory, in a state of exaltation.
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