Bhí a theanga ~ aige, his tongue was hanging out.
Chuir sé amach a theanga orm, he put out his tongue at me.
Bhí ~ dá theanga amuigh aige, his tongue was sticking out a yard.
Bhí sé ar bharr mo theanga agam, I had it on the tip of my tongue, I was about to say it.
Tá ~ milis aige, (i) he has a sweet tooth, (ii) he has a flattering tongue.
Tá mé tógtha i m~ agaibh, you have set tongues wagging about me.
Ní bheidh mé faoi bhur m~ feasta, I will not be under the lash of your tongues any longer.
Teanga bhealaithe, smooth tongue.
Caint, teanga, bhearrtha, cutting tongue, speech.
Bhearrfadh sé gan sópa thú, he has a sarcastic tongue.
Súil, teanga, bheo, quick eye, tongue.
Tá ~ ar a theanga, he has a sharp tongue.
Teanga bhiorach, sharp tongue.
Caint, teanga, bhréagach, lying speech, tongue.
~ teanga, root of tongue.
Caint, teanga, cháidheach, obscene talk, tongue.
Chaith mé mo theanga orthu, I wasted my tongue on them.
~ ar theanga, fur on tongue.
Ní thig liom mo theanga a chasadh air, I can’t get my tongue round it, pronounce it.
Cheangail a theanga dá charball, his tongue stuck to his palate.
~ focail, slip of the tongue.
~ cháinte, strolling singers, bards; evil-tongued person or persons.
Is sibh an chléir cháinte, you have slanderous tongues.
~ ar theanga, fur on tongue.
Do theanga a chostadh, to hold one’s tongue.
Ná bain an ~ díom, don’t flay me with your tongue.
muice fia, hart’s-tongue.
Do theanga a chur amach, to put out one’s tongue.
~ srian le do theanga, bridle your tongue.
Bhí a theanga ina chúlbhéal aige, he had his tongue in his cheek.
Déanfaidh sé an ~ is a mháthair, an ~ i bpocán, he will do the devil and all, work wonders with his tongue.
Tá teanga dhíobhálach aici, she has a spiteful tongue.
Coinnigh do theanga ~, keep a quiet tongue in your head.
Thug sí ~ dó lena teanga, she scarified him with her tongue.
Tá ~ aige, he has a foul tongue.
Teanga dhúchais, native language, mother tongue.
Dá mbeadh ~ aige ar a theanga, if only he would guard his tongue.
Tá ~ ar a teanga, she has a sharp tongue.
Duine a fheannadh le do theanga, to flay s.o. with one’s tongue.
Teanga fheannta, biting tongue.
D’ith siad an fheoil anuas díom, they lacerated me with their tongues.
Sciorradh, titim, focail, slip of the tongue.
Tá a teanga ag ~áil fós, her tongue is still wagging.
~ teanga, cainte, coarseness, crudeness, of tongue, of speech.
Teanga gharbh, rough tongue, speech.
Teanga ghéar, sharp tongue.
Teanga ag géarú, tongue getting sharper, more sarcastic.
Tá ~ ina teanga, she has a sharp tongue.