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Amharc, glór, ~, pleading look, voice.
Is breá an ~ atá aige, he has a strong voice.
D’aon ~, d’~ aonair, with one voice.
Iompar, siúl, glór, duine a ~t, to recognize s.o. by his carriage, walk, voice.
D’~ ghuth, with one voice, unanimously.
In ~ a chinn, a ghutha, at the top of his voice.
Guth, glór, ~, loud voice.
Chomh h~ is a bhí ina cheann, at the top of his voice.
~ do ghlór, raise your voice; speak louder.
Ag caint as ~ a chéile, speaking with one voice.
~ na n-éan, voices of birds.
Glór, ceol, ~, sweet voice, music.
Guth, glór, ~, soft, mellow, voice, sound.
Is breá an ~ (gutha) atá aige, he has a great, strong, voice.
Guth ~, rude, aggressive, voice.
Glór ~, lively, quick, voice.
D’aithin mé a chaint, I recognized his speech, voice.
~ páistí, the noise, loud voices, of children.
Glór ~, loud, high-pitched, voice.
Chuala mé an chantaireacht istigh, I heard a chorus of voices within.
Glór ~, gentle voice.
Glór caointe, whimpering voice.
Guth ~, thin voice,
~ i gceol, i nglór, turn in music, inflexion in voice.
Glór ~, commanding voice.
An fhaí chéasta, the passive voice.
~ na farraige, the voice of the sea.
Guth ~, sweet, melodious, voice.
Glór ~, calm voice.
Bhí ~ ina ghlór, there was a ring in his voice.
~ singil, dúbailte, carballach, liopach, glórach, neamhghlórach, single, double, palatal, labial, voiced, voiceless, consonant.
Glór ~, painful voice.
Guth ~, trembling, quavering, voice.
Bhí ~ ina ghlór, there was a tremor in his voice.
Bhí ~ ar a, ina, lámh, ghlór, his hand, his voice, was shaking.
Glór ~, decided tone of voice.
Ar seisean, de ghlór ard, said he, in a loud voice.
Glór daingean ~, firm and decided tone of voice.
Ba dhíomhaoin mo ghlór, my voice went unheeded.
Glór ~, decided tone of voice.
Tá an ~ réidh aige, he has a strong voice.
Glór ~, dissentient voice.
~ fuaime, gutha, depth of sound, of voice.
Glór ~, deep voice.
Tá ~ deas aici, she has a nice singing-voice.
Guth na ndaoine, the voice of the people.
~eacht le fuaim, le glór, le torann, to listen to a sound, a voice, a noise.
Go n-éiste Dia do ghlór, may God hear your voice, grant what you ask.
~ chéasta, ghníomhach, passive, active, voice.
~ mheáin, middle voice.
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