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~t idir an dubh agus an bán, idir an mhaith agus an t-olc, to know black from white, right from wrong.
~ bán, donn, white, brown, sauce.
~ bán, geal, white bread; baker’s bread.
~ bán, white water-lily.
Bhí sé le ~, he was in a white fury.
~ bán, white homespun cloth.
~ spéire, white linen cap.
Is deise an ~ ná an dubh ort, white looks nicer than black on you.
Chuirfeadh sé an dubh ina bhán ort, he would persuade you that black was white.
Teach, hata, capall, ~, white house, hat, horse.
Giobún ~, white-handed gibbon.
Mangabaí ~, white-collared mangabey.
~a geala, white-crested waves.
~ de chaoirigh bána, two white sheep.
2. ~ plúir, bán, white sauce.
~ bhán, dhubh, náisiúnta, sheolta, white, black, national, sailing, flag.
Bráithre Bána, White Friars, Carmelites.
Bráithre bána, (i) white-crested waves, (ii) grubs of bees.
~ bán, white homespun.
Déad ~e, white teeth.
Caisleáin bhána ar an spéir, an accumulation of white clouds in the sky, on the horizon.
~ glas, bán, green, white (-hearted), cabbabge.
Chomh geal le ~ an tsléibhe, as white as cotton-down.
C~ Bán, Agaistíneach, White, Augustinian, Canon.
5. Capaill bhána, white horses, crested waves.
Tá ~ ar an bhfarraige, the sea is ruffled, white with foam.
Seacht mba fionna ina gcarcracha, seven white cows in their pens.
Capall ~, white-faced horse.
Tonnta ~a, white-crested waves.
Chomh geal le ~, as white as cotton-grass.
~ bán, dlúth, modartha, white, thick, murky, fog.
~ geal le sneachta, as white as snow.
~ bán, white cockade.
~ bhán, white stork.
~ bán, white groat.
Tá an capall bán ag tabhairt na ~e amach, the white horse is pulling too hard for his team-mate.
~ bhán, dhearg, white, red, deal.
~ is bán, black and white.
An ~ a chur ina gheal ar dhuine, to persuade s.o. that black is white, to bamboozle s.o.
~ fionn gléigeal, tall white-skinned person.
2. ~ gliomach, long white ribbons of seaweed.
~ fionn, 'white felon'.
~ bán, geal, white wine.
~ fionn na farraige, the white-crested waves of the sea.
~ bán, white heather.
Gabhra lir, réin, white-crested waves.
1. ~ bhánéadanach, ~ (bheag) fhionn, white-fronted goose.
Éadach ~, white cloth.
Plúr ~, white flour.
Fiacla ~a, white teeth.
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