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Ní rachaidh mé ~ a bhfaighidh mé scéala cinnte, I won’t go till I get definite news.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé mórán áithis, he won’t do much good.
Tá an cluiche ~, the game is over, won.
Airgead, duais, a bhaint, to win money, a prize.
Cluiche, cogadh, a bhaint, to win a game, a war.
An té nár bhain is nár chaill, he who neither won nor lost, who never ventured anything.
Rug sé an ~, he won the match, the day.
Tá an ~ linn, we have won.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé (an) ~, it won’t do.
Bua a bhreith, to win a victory.
Rug sé an chraobh leis, he won (the match, etc.).
Beifear ~the nó caillte leis, win or lose it shall be attempted.
Ní le ~ a dhéanfar é, trifling with it won’t do it.
Ní bhfaighidh tú mórán brabaigh airsean, you won’t get much change out of him.
Cath, cluiche, duais, a bhuachan, to win a battle, a game, a prize.
Bhuamar an báire, we won the match, gained the victory.
Bhuaigh siad an lá, they won the day.
Bhuaigh an dlí liom, I won the lawsuit.
Rug siad an chaid leo, they won the (football) game.
Tá a cháil bainte aige, he has won his spurs.
Níor ~eadh leath dá ndeachaigh i gcontúirt, all that is ventured is not lost; nothing venture, nothing win.
Ní chuirfidh tú an cháipéis sin díot, you won’t get over that charge.
~ an rud is áil leat agus cluinfidh tú an rud nach áil leat, say what you like and you will hear what you won’t like.
Is minic fear ~ caillteach, nothing venture nothing win.
~ acu a bhain sé nó a chaill sé, whether he won or lost.
~ a imirt, a bhaint, a chailleadh, to play, win, lose, a game.
~ a chur as cúl doirn, to jink, to win every trick in game.
Bhí an ~ ina dhorn aige, he had the winning of the game in his hand.
Bhí breith ~ aige, he had the winning of the game, held the winning card.
Nár chóir go n-éistfeá liom? Why won’t you listen to me?
Cluiche a chur, to win a game.
Bhí sé ag iarraidh meas a chur air féin, he was trying to win respect.
Ní chuirfidh tú thar a thuairim é, you won’t make him change his opinion.
Nach tú atá ~ ann! So you won’t part with it!
Ní bheidh Dia ina dhiaidh orainn, God won’t hold it against us.
Níl sé ar dhíslí agat, you have lost your chance of it, can’t win at this stage of the game.
A dhiúlaigh, ní rachaidh leat, my boyo, you won’t get away with it.
Ní dhéanfaidh braon beag ~ duit, a little drop won’t harm you.
Ní fhaigheann lámh iata ach ~ dúnta, (i) if you don’t give you won’t get, (ii) violence begets violence.
Ní bhfaighidh sé aon ghreim dá dtiteadh an ~ as, he won’t get a bite (to eat) even if his teeth were to fall out of his gums, no matter how much he craves it.
Ní dhrannfaidh mé leis, I won’t touch it, have anything to do with it.
É! Ní bheidh mé i bhfad. Ah! I won’t be long.
Ní h~ dó nach dtiocfaidh sé, there is no fear that he won’t come.
Ní thitfidh mé, ná bíodh ~ ort, I won’t fall, never fear.
Is beag an ~ cúpla punt, a few pounds won’t do much good.
Is gairid, ní fada, ~ a mhairfidh siad, they won’t last much longer.
Ní bheidh d’~ orm, I won’t refuse you.
Ní chuirfidh mé ~ air, I won’t lie about him, distort what he said.
Ní dhéanfaidh mé ~ leat, I won’t lie to you.
Ní thógfaidh sé i bh~ orainn, it won’t take us long.
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