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Ag déanamh aeir agus iontais díobh, regarding them with wonder and surprise.
Amharc aeir agus iontais, a scene of wonder and surprise.
Ag ~ orainn, gazing (in wonder) at us.
Cá hionadh dúinn a bheith bocht? Is it any wonder we are poor?
Bhí ~ naoi lá air, it was a nine days’ wonder.
Chuirfeadh sé ~a crainn faoi na cearca, he would work wonders.
Iontais na ~, the wonders of the universe.
Ag ~amh iontais de, wondering at it.
Déanfaidh sé an ~ is a mháthair, an ~ i bpocán, he will do the devil and all, work wonders with his tongue.
Is beag an ~ duit a bheith sásta leo, it is no wonder you are satisfied with them.
Tíortha, ciníocha, iontais, an domhain, the countries, peoples, wonders, of the world.
Deir sé nuair a chuaigh sé siar san uaimh gurbh ea a chonaic sé an t-iontas, he says it was when he went into the back of the cave that he saw the wonder.
Ag eachtraí ar na Fianna, ar na tíortha coimhthíocha, relating (wonder) stories of the Fianna, of foreign lands.
Déanfaidh sé ~ is Eoghanacht, he will work wonders.
Ní fheadar cá bhfuil siad anois, I don’t know, I wonder, where they are now.
~ a dhéanamh, to tear into sth., to work wonders.
Iontas na ~, glad wonder.
Tá scéal le hinsint aige, he has a story to tell, wonders to relate.
Chuirfeadh sé an lá ~ ar an lá amárach, he would do wonders.
Beidh ~ scéil air, it will excite wonder, become wondrous in the telling.
Nach ~ do leithéid a chuirfeadh gual ar an tine! Isn’t it a wonder you wouldn’t put coal on the fire!
Is mór an t-~ (go), it is a great wonder (that).
Is beag an t-~ dó a bheith bocht, little wonder he is poor.
Ní h~ ar bith é, it is no wonder.
Cá h~ sin? What wonder?
Rud a chur in ~, to wonder at sth.
Dá mbeadh in ~ ar aon duine cár ghabh sé, if any one should wonder where he went.
Tá sé ar ionaí an domhain, it is one of the wonders of the world.
Bhí fearg air linn, ní nach ~, he was angry with us, and no wonder.
~ a dhéanamh de rud; ~ a chur i rud; rud a chur in ~, to wonder at sth.
Níl ~ duit a bheith sásta, no wonder you are satisfied.
Iontais na cruinne, the wonders of the universe.
~ na n-~, wonder of wonders.
Seacht n-iontais an domhain, the seven wonders of the world.
Is ~ nár leagadh mé, it is a wonder I was not knocked down.
~ súl, opening wide of eyes (in wonder).
Ní ~ duit a bheith bratógach, no wonder you are in rags.
~ nach ionadh, no wonder.
~ mé, I wonder.
Ba mhór an ~ nár maraíodh é, it is a wonder he was not killed.
~í agus iontais, signs and wonders.
Thógfá ina iontas é, it would make you wonder.
Síleann sé féin go bhfuil ~e déanta aige, he himself thinks he has done wonders.
Chuir sé ~ agus iontas orainn, it filled us with awe and wonder.
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