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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: fagh · faith · faugh · féigh · fiaigh
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faigh, v.t. (p. fuair, aut. fuarthas; fut. gheobhaidh, dep. faighidh; fut. aut. gheofar, dep. faighfear; cond. gheobhadh, dep. faigheadh; cond. aut. gheofaí, dep. faighfí; vn. fáil). I. Get. 1. Obtain, procure, acquire, gain, win. (a) Rud a fháil i siopa, le ceannach, to get sth. in a shop, to buy. Fuair mé lón seachtaine, I got a week’s provisions. Má fhaigheann tú do chuid i dteach ósta, if you get your meals in a hotel. ~ do chóta is bí liom, get your coat and come along with me. (b)Obair, saothrú, slí bheatha, a fháil, to get work, earnings, a livelihood. Fuair sé post mar mhúinteoir, he got a job as a teacher. Dá bhfaighinn tuarastal maith, if I were to get a good wage. Caitheann sé a bhfaigheann sé, he spends all he gets. (c)Clú, onóir, céim, a fháil, to get a reputation, an honour, a degree. Is doiligh an scrúdú sin a fháil, it is hard to get that examination. An té nach bhfuil urraim le fáil aige, he who is unable to win respect. (d) Bua, buntáiste, a fháil, to gain a victory, an advantage. Gheobhaimid an lámh in uachtar orthu, we will get the upper hand of them. Ná lig dó tús reatha a fháil ort, don’t let him lead you in the race. (e) Iasc, seilg, a fháil, to get fish, game. Fuair sé bradán ar an Life, he got a salmon on the Liffey. (f)Barántas, ordú cúirte, a fháil, to get, take out, a warrant, a court order. (g) An tAifreann a fháil, to get Mass. Gheobhainn bus a naoi, I could get the nine bus. (h) Freagra, toradh, toirt ruda, a fháil, to get an answer, a result, the volume of sth. Dá bhfaighfí fios fátha an scéil, if the ins and outs of the story could be ascertained. (i) Clár teilifíse a fháil, to get a television programme. Fuair mé ar an teileafón é, I got him on the telephone. (j) Duine a fháil (le haghaidh ruda), to get s.o. (for some purpose). Fuaireamar múinteoir nua, we got a new teacher. Ba cheart duit dochtúir a fháil dó, you should get a doctor for him. (k) Bean a fháil, to get a wife. Fuair sí fear maith, she got a good husband. (l) (With ó) Get, extract, from. Gealltanas a fháil ó dhuine, to get a promise from s.o. Fuair mé uaidh go raibh an ceart agat, I got him to admit that you were right. Cá bhfuair tú uait féin a leithéid a dhéanamh? How could you persuade yourself to do such a thing? 2. Receive, be given, be granted. (a) Litir, scéala, a fháil, to get a letter, tidings. D’fhaighinn bronntanas Nollag uaidh, I used to get a Christmas present from him. (b) Cead cainte, éisteacht, a fháil, to get permission to speak, a hearing. Cabhair a fháil, to get help. Ba mhaith leis cúiteamh a fháil ann, he wishes to be compensated for it. (c) Ordú, rabhadh, a fháil, to get an order, a warning. Gheobhaidh tú achasán as sin, you will be reproached for that. (d) Achainí, éileamh, a fháil, to get a request, a demand. Mura n-iarra tú ní bhfaighidh tú, unless you ask you will not get, ask and you shall receive. 3. Come to have, attain to. (a)Amharc na tíre, aer na maidine, a fháil, to get a view of the country, the morning air. Má fhaigheann sé a dhóigh féin, if he gets his own way. Dá bhfaighinn tamall scíthe, if I were to get a spell of rest. (b) Ciall, tuiscint, a fháil, to get sense, understanding. Gheobhaidh sibh creideamh fós, you will come to believe yet. Go bhfaighe siad an ghlóir shíoraí, may they enter into eternal glory. 4. Experience, contract, suffer, be subjected to. (a)Buille, gortú, a fháil, to get a blow, a hurt. Crá croí a fháil, to suffer heart-break. Náire, aithis, a fháil, to incur shame, contumely. Má fhaigheann sé scanradh, if he gets a fright. Gheofá troid chrua uaidh, he would give you a hard fight. Fuair siad an iomarca fearthainne, they got too much rain. (b) Pionós, breithiúnas aithrí, a fháil, to receive a punishment, a penance. Fuair sé bliain i bpríosún, he got a year’s imprisonment. (c)Aicíd, easláinte, a fháil, to get a disease, ill-health. Biseach, an tsláinte, a fháil, to get well, get one’s health. Fuair mé slaghdán dá bharr, I got a cold out of it. (d) Saol fada a fháil, to get a long life. Bás a fháil, to die. 5. Hit, strike. Duine a fháil sa cheann, to get s.o. in the head. Gheobhaidh tú faoi na fabhraí é, you will get it between the eyes. 6. (With le) Fuair mé liom an focal, I managed to say the word. An bhfuair tú leat an tairne? Did you get out the nail?
II. Find. 1. Come across, discover. Taisce, tobar, a fháil, to find a treasure, a well. Gheobhaidh tú sa chófra é, you will find it in the chest. Ní bhfaighidh tú an t-éan ar an nead, you will not find the bird on the nest. Fuarthas caite i bpoll iad, they were found cast into a hole. Ní bhfaighfeá choíche ag ceasacht é, you would never find him grumbling. Ná ~im an leabhar sin arís agat, don’t let me find you with that book again. An té a fuair is dó is cóir (é), finders (are) keepers. 2. Succeed in obtaining. Faill a fháil le rud a dhéanamh, to find time to do sth. Rud a fháil le hithe, to get sth. to eat. An focal ceart a fháil, to find the right word. Má thig leis an cíos a fháil, if he can find the rent. Ní bhfaighinn de mhisneach iad a chosc, I couldn’t find enough courage to prevent them. Tá sé á fháil leis anois, everything is going well with him now. 3. (a) Discover by trial. Duine a fháil bréagach, to find s.o. lying. Fuair mé gann an t-airgead, I found that the money was short. (b) Jur: Duine a fháil ciontach, to find s.o. guilty. 4. Express. Locht a fháil ar dhuine, to find fault with s.o. Fuair sé tormas ar a chuid, he carped at his food. 5. (a) Rud a fháil déanta, tomhaiste, glanta, to have sth. made, measured, cleaned. (b) Rud a fháil ullamh, to prepare sth. Fuair mé réidh leis, I got rid of him. Ag fáil mór, fuar, dorcha, getting big, cold, dark. 6. (With i) A fháil ionat féin rud a dhéanamh, to find it in oneself to do sth. Cé fuair ann féin mo leabhar a thabhairt leis? Who had the audacity to take my book? 7. (With amach) Rud a fháil amach, to find out sth. 8. (In phrase) Is mór a fuarthas é, it was a great achievement on his part; he was great.
III. (With vn.) Be able to. 1. Fuair sé an obair a dhéanamh, he managed to do the work. Fuair siad éalú air, they succeeded in eluding him. Má fhaighim labhairt leis, if I get to speak to him. Dá bhfaighinn mo lámha a ní, if I could wash my hands. Ní bhfaighfeá iad a shásamh, you couldn’t satisfy them. Gheobhainn an muineál a chasadh aige, I could wring his neck. Fuair sé a bheith istigh, he was allowed to stay for the night. 2. (Followed by negative) B’olc a gheobhainn gan cuidiú leat, it would be a poor thing for me not to help you.
An bhfuair tú a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
Gheobhaidh tú é ~ íoc as, you will get it if you pay for it.
Ní rachaidh mé ~ a bhfaighidh mé scéala cinnte, I won’t go till I get definite news.
Fuair sé a ~, he got his wish.
Is aige a fuair mé an speal, I got the scythe from him.
Fuair sé a mb’~ leis, he got all he wanted.
Fuair an féar ~, the hay was spoiled by rain, retted.
Tugadh ~ mhaith don leanbh; fuair an leanbh ~ mhaith, the child was well cared for.
Fuair siad ~ mhaith uaim, I treated them generously.
Ní bhfuair sé a chuid in ~, he had to work for his living.
Fuair mé ~ cruinn air an iarraidh sin, I got a good shot at it that time.
Nuair a fuair mé an ~ liom, when I recovered my breath, my speech.
Fuair sé bás in ~, he died miserably.
Fuair sé ~, he took a turn for the better.
Fuair sé ar '~ orm' é, he got it for half nothing.
~ chugat a bhfaighidh tú, accumulate all you can get.
Níl a bharr ann, le fáil, there is no one to surpass him.
Fuair sé ~, he was checked, impeded.
Fuair mé ceann de bharraíocht ort, I got one more than you.
Fuair, tholg, sé a bhás as, he caught his death from it.
Fuair mé na seacht m~ le pianta i mo ghoile, I suffered untold agonies with stomach pains.
Fuair siad ~, a m~, they were badly beaten, crushed.
Fuair sé ~ reatha, he was made to run the gauntlet, was severely treated.
Ní bhfuair sé bá na beiche, he didn’t get even a drop (to satisfy his craving).
Fuair mé ar bheagán trioblóide é, I had no trouble in getting it.
Fuair sé breith a bhéil féin, he got what he asked for.
Ní ~ orthu a bhfuair siad tar éis a saothair, they got very little after all their labour.
Fuair mo lámh ~, my hand (has) healed.
~ béil ní bhfuair mé, not a bite, a sup, did I get.
Dheamhan ~ a fuair mé, I got nothing at all.
Fuair sé an ball ~ ionam, he got on the soft side of me.
An rud a fhaightear go ~ caitear go ~ é, easy come, easy go.
2. Fuarthas ~ air, he was caught off his guard.
Ní bhfaighidh tú mórán brabaigh airsean, you won’t get much change out of him.
Cat bradach a gheobhadh ~ uirthi, she gives nothing away.
Fuair tú punt de bhreis orm, you got a pound more than I got.
Fuair sé ~ a chionta, he got his deserts.
Beidh sé i m~ go bhfaighidh sé é, he will be miserable till he gets it.
Ní bhfuair sé chomh beag le ~, he didn’t get even a bite.
Druid le fear na bruíne (agus gheobhaidh tú síocháin), face up to the trouble-maker (and he will leave you in peace).
Fuair an codladh ~ orm, mo bhua, I was overcome by sleep.
Bhuail mé romham go bhfuair mé dídean na hoíche, I kept right on till I got shelter for the night.
Fuair sé ~ millteanach, he got a terrible beating.
Níl do bhualadh ann, le fáil, there is no one to beat, surpass, you.
Gheobhaidh mé é gan a bheith ~ díot, I’ll get it without being behoven to you, in spite of you.
Fuair sé mo bhuntáiste, he put me at a disadvantage.
Cá bhfuair tú iad? Where did you get them?
Ní bhfuair mé in aon chor é. ~ chuige? I didn’t get it at all. Why?
~ é a fuair tú? What did you get?
Fuair sé cartadh is ~, he was pushed and shoved around.
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