Blown up with pride, i mborr le bród.
The sun is bringing on the plants, tá an ghrian ag cur borrtha faoi na plandaí.
To be full of hope, bheith lán de dhóchas, bheith ag borradh le dóchas.
The firm is growing considerably, tá borradh mór faoin gcomhlacht.
F: (Of pers.) Inflated with pride, i mborr le bród.
Puffed up with pride, i mborr le teann mórchúise.
Puffed up with pride, i mborr le bród.
He is shooting up, tá borradh na sailí faoi.
El.E: Surge of current, borradh m srutha.
To swell (up), at, borradh; (of lime) borrann, tagann borradh faoi; (of debt) méadaíonn.
To swell with importance, F: to swell like a turkey-cock, bheith i mborr le mórtas; talamh a bheith fút le teann leithid.
F: Swelling with importance, ag borradh le leithead.
To well (up, out, forth), brúchtadh, borradh, puíoscadh, aníos.