They were threepence a pound, trí phingin an punt a bhí orthu.
To pay ten pounds on account, deich bpunt a íoc mar chuid den chuntas, mar ghlasíoc, ar chuntas.
(Passive use) His debts add up to a thousand pounds, tá míle punt d'fhiacha air idir an t-iomlán.
To allow s.o. £100 a year, céad punt sa bhliain a dheonú do dhuine.
He has an allowance of £100 a year, tá céad punt sa bhliain gearrtha dó.
(Up) to the amount of twenty pounds, a fhad le fiche punt.
It amounted to five pounds, bhí cúig phunt san iomlán, rinne sé (suas) cúig phunt.
I have received another ten pounds, fuair mé deich bpunt eile.
Any person who pays a pound, an té, gach duine, a íocfas punt...
At two shillings a pound, ar dhá scilling an punt.
I'm fifty pounds to the bad as a result of it, tá mé leathchéad punt thíos leis.
It is seven shillings a pound, tá sé seacht scilling an punt.
He bid ten pounds for it, chuaigh sé deich bpunt ann, chuir sé deich bpunt é.
To sell sth. by the pound, rud a dhíol de réir an phuint.
To give (s.o.) change for £5, cúig phunt a shóinseáil, a bhriseadh (do dhuine).
At a charge of five pounds a week, ar chúig phunt sa tseachtain.
Cheek by jowl, le punt a chéile.
They are standing close together, tá siad ina seasamh, le taobh, le punt, a chéile.
His house cost him £5,000, chosain an teach cúig mhíle punt air.
To be twenty pounds in debt, bheith fiche punt i bhfiacha.
I am your debtor for £100, tá céad punt fiacha agat orm.
He is down for £20, tú fiche punt thíos dó.
He is £20 down, tá sé fiche punt caillteach.
We each earn one pound, we earn one pound each, tuillimid punt an duine.
The cost of it is estimated at five hundred pounds, meastar go mbeidh cúig chéad punt de chostas air.
Not to exceed ten pounds, gan dul thar dheich bpunt.
A five-pound note, nóta cúig phunt.
To sell sth. for ten pounds, rud a dhíol ar dheich bpunt.
Pound for pound I am richer than he, punt ar phunt is saibhre mise ná é.
He stole a pound from her, ghoid sé punt uaithi.
The burglars got away with a thousand pounds, d'ardaigh na gadaithe míle punt leo.
Sixteen ounces go to the pound, sé unsa dhéag an punt.
I will let you have it for £5, tabharfaidh mé duit ar chúig phunt é.
To throw the helve after the hatchet, an phingin a chaitheamh i ndiaidh an phuint.
To go as high as £2,000, dul chomh hard le dhá mhíle punt.
Two hundred and one, nine, pounds, punt, naoi bpunt, agus dhá chéad.
(Even) if I were given a hundred pounds, I would not do it, dá dtabharfaí céad punt féin dom ní dhéanfainn é.
To pay two shillings in the pound, dhá scilling sa phunt, as an bpunt, a íoc.
A hundred pounds at the very least, céad punt ar an gceann caol de, ar a laghad ar bith.
I've been let in for a thousand, fágadh míle (punt) orm.
(The sum) amounts to something like ten pounds, tá suas le deich bpunt ann.
I lost a thousand pounds, chaill mé míle punt.
A hundred pounds at the very lowest, céad punt ar a laghad ar bith, ar an gcuid is lú de.
To make three pounds a week, trí phunt sa tseachtain a shaothrú.
A hundred pounds is the most I can manage, ní hacmhainn dom thar céad punt.
Ten pounds means a lot to a poor man, is mór an ní deich bpunt ag fear bocht.
A few miserable pounds, cúpla punt gágach, scallta.
How much is it a pound? cé mhéad atá ar an bpunt de?
I haven't a penny much less a pound, níl pingin agam, gan trácht ar phunt.
Ten pounds too much, deich bpunt de bharraíocht, le cois.