another, a. & pron. 1 (An additional) Another glass of wine, gloine eile fíona. In another ten years, faoi cheann deich mbliana eile. I have received another ten pounds, fuair mé deich bpunt eile. Without saying another word, gan an dara focal a rá. 2 (A similar) Such another, ceann eile den chineál céanna, a leithéid eile. There is not such another man, níl an dara duine dá chineál ar an saol. 3 a (A different) Another was there before me, bhí duine eile ansin romham. That is (quite) another thing, sin scéal eile (ar fad); F: sin coileán de phór eile. Another time, am éigin eile. b She has now another husband, tá fear eile anois aici. 4 One ... another. a Rowing is one thing, sailing is another, is mór idir iomramh agus seoltóireacht. b (Taking) one year with another, an bhliain mhaith leis an drochbhliain. Taking one thing with another, idir gach aon sórt. As good as another, chomh maith le duine. S.a. THING 3. c (Reciprocal pron.)Love one another, bíodh grá agaibh dá chéile.
To accommodate one thing to another, rud a chur in oiriúint do, a oiriúnú le, rud eile.
To aid one another, cuidiú le chéile; cúnamh a thabhairt dá chéile.
Another difficulty arose then, ansin tháinig achrann eile sa bhealach.
Official temporarily attached to another department, oifigeach atá ar fostú go sealadach ag roinn eile.
One mistake balanced another, chomhcheartaigh na dearmaid a chéile.
Subjects closely bound up with one another, ábhair a bhfuil baint mhór acu le chéile, ábhair atá fite fuaite le chéile.
To change one thing for another, rud a bhabhtáil ar rud eile; rud a mhalartú ar rud eile.
To cling together, to one another, teannadh le chéile; fanacht dlúth le chéile.
They are acting in collusion with one another, tá siad rúnpháirteach le chéile.
Rooms that communicate with one another, seomraí a bhfuil bealach eatarthu.
They were in communication with one another during the week, bhí teachtaireachtaí eatarthu i rith na seachtaine.
These errors compensate one another, cealaíonn na dearmaid seo a chéile; cúitíonn na hearráidí seo lena chéile.
To confuse one thing with another, rud a thógáil in ábhraíocht ruda eile.
In another connection, ag trácht (dom, etc.) ar mhalairt scéil.
Cin: To fade one scene into another, dhá radharc a mheascadh ina chéile.
He said first one thing and then another, bhí gach re scéal aige; bhí malairt scéil gach uile phointe aige.
The years follow one another, leanann na blianta a chéile, tagann na blianta ar mhuin a chéile.
To exchange one thing for another, rud a mhalartú ar rud eile.
He will be away for another year, beidh sé as baile go ceann bliana eile.
He stayed there for another week, d'fhan sé ann go ceann seachtaine eile.
To run foul of another ship, teacht salach ar long eile.
I shall now go on to another matter, tráchtfaidh mé anois ar scéal eile.
He is good for another ten years, mairfidh sé deich mbliana eile.
They said good-bye to one another, d'fhágadar slán ag a chéile; ghlacadar cead lena chéile.
Half one thing and half another, leath feola is leath éisc.
They are hand in glove with one another, tá siad ag obair as lámha a chéile.
To have the heels of another ship, breith ar shoitheach eile, soitheach eile a scoitheadh.
They are indistinguishable from one another, ní féidir aithint eatarthu.
A rod and another of like length, slat agus ceann eile dá fad.
Wheel rigidly locked with another, roth i ngreim docht i gceann eile.
We are at loggerheads with one another, táimid in adharca a chéile.
That's quite another matter, sin scéal eile; sin athrach scéil.
One man's meat is another man's poison, leas Mhurchaidh agus aimhleas Mhánais.
Another of his misbegotten plans! ceann eile dá chuid seifteanna tuathalacha.
They will miss one another, crothnóidh, aireoidh, siad a chéile.
Mus: To modulate from one key (in)to another, athrú ó ghléas go gléas.
Do you see much of one another? an mbíonn sibh i gcuideachta a chéile go minic?
If another opportunity occurs, má fhaightear an dara faill (air).
They are at odds with one another, (i) níl siad ar aon intinn; (ii) tá siad in achrann le chéile.
To operate another part, páirt eile a oibriú.
To pass off goods as those of another, earraí a thairiscint i leith is gur le duine eile iad.
They looked at one another like stuck pigs, bhí scéin an bhainbh dhóite iontu ag breathnú ar a chéile.
He poured me out another glass, chuir sé gloine eile amach dom.
I will now proceed to another matter, rachaidh mé chun cinn go dtí cúrsa eile anois.
The colours ran into one another, sceith na dathanna.
Give it another screw, bain casadh eile as.
They follow one another like sheep, leanaid a chéile ar nós na lachan.
That's another pair of shoes, sin scéal eile.
To skip from one subject to another, léim ó scéal go scéal.