Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ear · tar · tea · teara · tearc
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Tá iontráil i bhFoclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge i dtaobh tear »
tear1, s. Deoir f. To shed tears, bheith ag sileadh na ndeor. A perfunctory tear, deoir nach dtagann ón gcroí. She did not shed a tear, níor ghoil sí aon deoir. He burst into tears, bhris an gol air. She wept tears of joy, bhí deora áthais léi. To move s.o. to tears, na deora a bhaint as duine. She is easily moved to tears, tá an deoir i ndeas don tsúil aici. She was (all) in tears, bhí sí ag gol go fras, go fuíoch. He laughed till the tears came, bhí sé ag gáire gur tháinig na deora leis.
tear2, s. 1 Stróiceadh m. 2 F: a To go full tear, imeacht ar luas na gaoithe. b Cuthach m, fiúnach m.
tear3, 1 a Stróicim. To tear open sth., rud a stróiceadh ó chéile; an chlúid a stróiceadh de (bheart). S.a. PIECE1 1. To tear a hole in sth., poll a chur i rud. Tattered and torn, stróicthe stollta. To tear a muscle, matán a stróiceadh. F: Country torn by war, tír a stolladh ag coimheascar. He was torn between two desires, bhí sé á thointeáil idir dhá mhian. b v.i. Stróiceann. Stuff that tears easily, éadach sostróicthe. c Sracaim, sciobaim(from, ó dhuine; ó, as, rud). To tear (out) one's hair, an ghruaig a tharraingt díot féin. To tear a confession from s.o., admháil a tharraingt, a fháscadh, as duine. 2 v.i. a To tear at sth., bheith ag baint sracadh as rud. b F: To tear along, bheith ag roiseadh, ag réabadh, leat. He was tearing along the road, bhí sé ag cur an bhóthair de mar bheadh an chaor thine ann. To tear upstairs, sciurdadh suas an staighre. He tore away, réab sé chun siúil.
Artificial tears, deora bréagacha.
To tear sth. asunder, rud a stróiceadh ó, óna, chéile.
His face was bathed in tears, bhí na deora go fras leis.
Her cheeks were bedewed with tears, bhí a haghaidh báite le deora.
Her eyes were bedimmed with tears, bhí a súile dallta ag deora.
Her cheeks were blubbered with tears, bhí a leicne ar snámh le deora, ata de bharr goil.
Her eyes were blurred with tears, bhí na súile leathnaithe inti de bharr goil.
He broke into tears, shil na súile air.
Her eyes were brimming over with tears, bhí linn uisce lena súile.
It brought tears to her eyes, bhain sé deora as na súile aici.
She was on the brink of tears, bhí sí ar tí goil.
She burst into tears, bhris an gol uirthi. S.a. FLAME1 1, SONG 1
Tear-off calendar, block calendar, féilire m bloic; caileandar duilleach.
Crocodile tears, deora bréige.
Eyes dewed with tears, súile braonacha.
Eyes that were dim with tears, súile a bhí dallta ag deora.
To draw tears from s.o., deora a bhaint as duine.
With tears in her eyes, agus na deora léi.
F: Floods of tears, tuilte, sruth, deor.
He shed floods of tears, chaoin sé uisce a chinn.
F: To gulp down, back, (one's) tears, na deora a mhúchadh, a chosc.
The tears gushed into her eyes, líon a súile le deora.
Hot tears, deora goirte, deora teo.
She was in tears, bhí na deora léi.
She burst into tears, bhris a gol uirthi.
To keep back one's tears, na deora a chosc.
To tear an animal limb from limb, ainmhí a sracadh ó chéile.
To tear from luff to leech, sracadh ó thosach go deireadh.
She melted into tears, tháinig frasa deor léi.
Eyes moist with tears, súile (a bheadh) bog le deora.
To move s.o. to tears, na deora a bhaint as duine.
Your tears will not move him (to pity), ní bhogfaidh do dheora é.
Only the binding is torn, níl stróicthe ach an ceangal.
She burst into a passion of tears, tháinig racht goil uirthi.
To tear an argument to pieces, spior spear a dhéanamh d'argóint.
To tear sth. to ribbons, rud a stróiceadh ina liobair.
The tears rolled down his cheeks, bhí na deora ina rith lena ghrua.
She wept salt tears, ghoil sí go géar goirt.
F: Scalding tears, deora goirte.
The tree was torn sheer out of the ground, baineadh an crann glan as an talamh.
To tear sth. into shreds, rud a liobairt, a stolladh as a chéile.
The tears stood in his eyes, bhí na deora sna súile aige.
Tears started from his eyes, tháinig frasa deor lena shúile.
Her face was streaming with tears, bhí frasa deor léi.
Eyes suffused with tears, súile a raibh linn deor orthu.
F: To swallow one's tears, cúl a chur ar na deora; na deora a chosc.
Her eyes are swollen with tears, tá a súile ata le teann goil.
Eyes swimming with tears, súile ina linnte deor.
I could not tear myself away from the scene, ní thiocfadh liom mé féin a tharraingt as an láthair.
A shell tore off his arm, scoith pléascán an lámh de.
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