Tá sé ar fhód na h~ fós, he is still in this vale of tears.
~eadh na deora aisti, she was moved to tears.
~ aithrí, repentant tear.
Deora bréige, crocodile tears.
Deora ~a, crocodile tears.
Bhris sé an litir, he opened, tore open, the letter.
Bhris an gol uirthi, she broke into tears.
Tá an-bhrus á dhéanamh ar an obair aige, he is really tearing into the work.
~ agus cuimilt, wear and tear.
2. ~eacha a dhéanamh de rud, to tear sth. asunder.
Tá mo chóta ina chíréibeacha, my coat is torn to shreds.
Bhí ~eacha farraige, gaoithe, ann, there were tearing seas, howling blasts of wind.
Chlamhair na madraí a chéile, the dogs tore into each other, made the fur fly.
Ag ~t na feola, tearing at the meat.
Na deora a chosc, to keep back tears.
Na madraí ag ~t an chonablaigh, the dogs tearing the carcase.
Bhí siad ag déanamh, ag gabháil, ~ an mháilín dá chéile, they were pulling and tearing at each other.
Choinnigh sí ~ ar na deora, she held back her tears.
Dháil sí deora orthu, she shed tears for them.
~ ag deora, blinded by tears.
Bhí a súile ~ta ag na deora, her eyes were bedimmed with tears.
~ bróin, deor, cause of sorrow, of tears.
Deora a dhéanamh, to shed tears.
~ gáire gol, laughter brings tears.
~ a ghol, to weep a tear, a little.
Ag sileadh na ndeor, shedding tears.
Deora a bhaint as duine, to reduce s.o. to tears.
Tháinig na deora léi, she began to shed tears.
An ~ a bheith ar an tsúil agat, to have tears in one’s eyes; to be mawkishly sentimental.
Tá an ~ i ndeas don tsúil aige, he is easily moved to tears.
Bhí na deora i gceann a cuid súl, the tears were gathering in her eyes.
Frasa ~a deor, floods of bitter tears.
Níor chaoin sí ~, she didn’t shed a tear.
Deora a dhoirteadh, to shed tears.
~ deor, torrent of tears.
Ag ~adh na ndeor, shedding tears.
Ag ~adh na ndeor, shedding floods of tears.
~ a dhéanamh, to tear into sth., to work wonders.
~a deor, floods of tears.
Deora a shileadh go ~, to shed tears copiously.
Ag fuirseadh agus ag stracadh, pulling and tearing.
Bíonn sé ag fuirseadh leis, he keeps tearing along.
Ag ~adh ar rud, grasping at sth.; pulling and tearing at sth.
~ na deora as do shúile, wipe the tears from your eyes.
~ seo na ndeor, this vale of tears.
~ agus gnáthchuimilt, fair wear and tear.
Ag gol na ndeor, shedding tears.
Deora ~e, salt, bitter, tears.