Eoin Fiche a Trí, John the Twenty-Third.
Léitear ag Eoin, it is to be read in (the gospel of) St. John.
~ Muire, St. John’s wort.
An Leabhar Eoin, St. John’s Gospel.
Eoin a C~, John the Fourth.
1. ~ Baiste, St. John the Baptist.
~ Broinne, John the beloved disciple.
2. An Leabhar ~, the Gospel according to St. John; extract from St. John’s gospel incorporated in amulet.
Oíche Fhéile Eoin, Sin Seáin, St. John’s Eve.
Fear ar ~eadh Eoin de, a man (who was) called John.
~, ~a, Eoin, as for, as regards, John.
~ Sheáin anseo, someone like John here.
~ Eoin Baiste, St. John’s wort.
~ Fhéile Eoin, St. John’s Eve bonfire.