Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: bossiness · duskiness · e-business · fussiness · fustiness
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Tá gnó agam leis, I have business with him.
Tabhair ~ do do ghnóthaí, mind your business.
~ ar a ghnóthaí, attentive to his business.
Tá sé ag bisiú sa saol, ina ghnóthaí, he is getting on well in the world, in his business.
~eadh as a ghnó é, he was put out of business.
~ as gnó, out of business.
Tá an domhan mór ag cur buartha uirthi, she concerns herself with everything, talks about everybody’s business.
Gnó, scoil, a chur ar ~, to establish a business, a school.
Cuir i m~ a ghnó é, set him about his business.
~ gnó, tionscail, establishment of business, of industry.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to accost s.o.; to ask s.o. about his business.
Tá an saol mór le ~ aici, she takes it on herself to discuss, gossip about, everybody’s business.
2. ~ Aifrinn, bainise, beannachta, cuimhneacháin, fógraíochta, gnó, Nollag, poist, scóir, Mass-, wedding-, greeting-, in memoriam, show-, business-, Christmas, post-, score-, card.
Baineadh a chinseal de, he was made to mind his own business.
Ná ~ ar do ghnó, don’t sleep over your business, neglect your affairs.
Do ghnó a choimhéad, to mind one’s business.
Ná cuir do chorrán i ngort gan iarraidh, don’t interfere in other people’s business.
Is ~ta an gnó é, it is a ruinous business.
~ oibre, gnó, completion of work, of business.
Is ~ an té a dhéanann a ghnóthaí dó féin, a wise man minds his own business.
Tá sé ~ i mbun gnóthaí, he is a shrewd business man.
Ba cheart duit do ghnó a chur chun cinn níos fearr ná sin, you should do better than that to promote your business.
Is ~ duit, it doesn’t matter to you; it is none of your business.
Do chúrsa a chur díot, to complete one’s course; to finish one’s journey, round (of business).
Ní ~ ngnó é, it is none of our business.
Do ghnó, do dhualgas, a dhéanamh, to do, attend to, one’s business, duty.
Gnó a dhéanamh le duine, to do business with s.o.
Tá ~ gnó ann, he is well able to transact business, to manage.
Ba dheas mo ghnó ar aonach! What business would I have at a fair?
Ba cheart duit dul i n~ do ghnóthaí, you should go and attend to your business.
Go ~ i mbun a ghnó, diligently attending to his business.
Tá sé ~ dá ghnó, he sticks to his business.
Ná cuir an sócúl roimh an ~, [’do not put comfort before discomfort’, business first.
Tá sé in ~ a ghnóthaí, he is attending to his business.
D’fhan sé i mbun a ghnó, he carried on with his business.
Níl ~ duit ann, you needn’t concern yourself with it; it is not your business.
Chuir mé i bh~ a ghnóthaí é, I sent him about his business.
Teach, do ghnó, a fheighil, to mind a house, one’s business.
~ do ghnóthaí a bheith agat, to know one’s business.
~ gnó, attention to business.
~ a dhéanamh ar obair, ar ghnó, to attend to work, to a business.
Do ghnó(thaí) a dhéanamh, to attend to one’s business, to one’s affairs.
Déan do ghnó(thaí) duit féin, mind your own business.
Chuaigh sé i gceann a ghnó, he set about his business.
Ní de mo ghnó é, it is none of my business.
Ba é do ghnó labhairt leis, it was your business to speak to him.
Ní raibh ~ ar bith duit é a bhualadh, you had no business striking him.
~ súl, ostensible business.
~ a dhéanamh le duine, to do business with s.o.
~ a chur ar bun, to start a business.
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