Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: commons · codon · colon · comán · comaoin
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Tá dúil aige san ól. Is iomaí duine ar a ~. He is fond of drink. It is a common affliction.
An slaghdán, the common cold.
Bheith ag cur as aon bhonn (amháin), to co-operate, work to common plan.
~ na ndaoine, common speech.
dlí, cúirte, coiteann, law, court, common, case.
~ dháréag, cúirte, common, court, jury.
An ~, the common people.
An pobal ~, the common people.
Dlí ~, common law.
Talamh ~, common land.
An mhaith choiteann, the common good.
Cás ~, common case.
Mar mhaithe leis an g~, for the common good.
An ~, the Common Market.
~ shráide, common dock.
Tá ~ mór céille aige, he has a great fund of common sense.
~ bunreachtúil, canónta, coiriúil, coiteann, idirnáisiúnta, míleata, sibhialta, constitutional, canon, criminal, common, international, martial, civil, law.
~í coiteanna, common factors.
~ bán, common gull.
~ cumhra, fragrant, common, fennel.
~ coiteann, common risk.
Ag maíomh ginealais ar dhuine, claiming descent from s.o.; claiming to be of common origin with s.o.
Na daoine ~a, the common people.
Duine ~ uasal é, he is a gentleman with the common touch.
~ coiteann, common yew.
~ coiteann, common elm.
~ an phobail, the common good.
Ar leith nó i gcoitinne, in particular or in common.
Tá a fhios sin ag ~í an bhaile, that is common gossip; every fool knows that.
An mhaith choiteann, the common good.
An mhaitheas phoiblí, the common weal.
Tá sé ina ~ againn, it is a common saying with us.
~ daoine, common talk.
Bheith i mbéal an t~, to be the subject of common gossip.
Tá sé ~tha i mbéal, he has become the subject of common gossip.
Focal ~ anseo é, it is a common expression here.
Is linn ~ é eadrainn, it belongs to all of us in common.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht