Tá ~ mór ag na geataí, there is a terrible crush at the gates.
Comhla, geata, a chrochadh, to hang a door, a gate.
~ iarainn, ~ gabha, iron gate.
~ taoide, tuile, tide-, flood-, gate.
Fear, teach, ~, gate-keeper, -house.
~ den ráille, den gheata, inside the railing, the gate.
~ de bhalla, thar gheata, in airde ar bhruach, amach as an leaba, to jump off a wall, over a gate, up on a bank, out of bed.
~ tríd an ngeata iad, let them pass through the gate.
Doras, geata, a ~t, to open a door, a gate.
~ amuigh den gheata, outside the gate.
Rachaidh mé chun an gheata leat, I’ll accompany you to the gate.
Dul thar gheata, thar dhroichead, to go over a gate, a bridge.
Isteach ~d an ngeata, in through the gate.