An croí a bhogadh aige, to soften his heart.
Tá a chroí agus a ~ aige, he is in good heart and spirit.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ar do chroí, it would delight your heart.
B’~ le mo chroí iad, they were my heart’s delight.
Ó mo chroí ~, from the bottom of my heart.
Briseann sé an croí ionam, it breaks my heart.
Tá trua m’~a agam dó, from my heart I pity him.
Ag cur a ~a amach ag gáire, breaking his heart laughing.
Tá ~ ar mo chroí, my heart is weighed down, oppressed.
Chuir sé ~ ar mo chroí, it gladdened my heart.
B’~ le mo chroí é, it gladdened my heart.
In ~ mo chroí, abiding in my heart.
Do chroí, do mheanma, a ardú, to lift up one’s heart, spirits.
Bhí ~ ar mo chroí i ndiaidh an reatha, my heart was beating fast after I had been running.
Bíonn a ngrá leo ar bharra a ngéag, they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
Tháinig ~ orm, I lost heart.
Tá a croí briste, her heart is broken.
Bhíog a chroí air, his heart gave a leap.
Tá croí ~ aige, he has a soft heart.
An croí a bhogadh i nduine, to soften, move, s.o.’s heart.
Bhog mo chroí leo, my heart warmed to them.
~ croí, softening of heart.
Is cuma leis an dall cé air a bhfuil an bhreall, what the eye sees not the heart rues not.
2. ~ croí, repining, heart-sickness.
2. Croí duine a bhriseadh, to break s.o.’s heart.
An ní nach bhfeiceann súil ní bhrónann croí, what the eye sees not the heart rues not.
Croí ~, bruised, aching, heart.
Croí, cuisle, ag bualadh, heart, pulse, beating.
~ croí, palpitation of the heart.
~ croí, cuisle, heart-, pulse-, beat.
Ná ~ do chroí, don’t lose heart.
~ an chroí, cockles of the heart.
Tá an croí ag ~eamh aige, his heart is wearing out.
Croí ~tha, obdurate heart.
~ croí, hardening of heart, obduracy.
Tá a croí ~te ann, her heart is bound up in him.
Do chroí a cheansú, to put one’s heart at rest.
I g~ na cathrach, in the heart of the city.
Ó cheartlár mo chroí, from the very bottom of my heart.
~ croí, oppression of heart.
Tá mo chroí ~ acu, they have my heart broken.
Bhí ~ ar a croí, her heart was clouded with sorrow.
An croí a chlaonadh chun oilc, to incline the heart to evil.
A chroí ina chliabh, his heart within him.
Tuirse chléibh, weariness of heart.
~ trína chroí, a nail (driven) through his heart.