~ ab é, ~ gurb é, an teas, but for the heat.
~ teasa, ar theas, ability to withstand heat.
Lig ~ na tine chugainn, let us get the heat of the fire (unobstructed).
Leáite ag an teas, melted with the heat.
Tá na ba ag ~ leis an teas, the cows are gadding with the heat.
Tagann sé as teas na gréine, it comes from the heat of the sun.
Bheith athleáite (ag an teas), to swelter (with heat).
~ teasa, recuperation of heat.
~ teasa, sweltering heat.
Tá ~ ina chraiceann, his skin is at fever heat.
Rud a bhogadh le teas, le cuimilt, to soften sth. with heat, with rubbing.
Ag ~adh le teas na gréine, growing rapidly with the heat of the sun.
Breofaidh an féar, the grass will heat.
I m~ an lae, in the heat of the day.
Tá sé ag ~ fearthainne, this heat will bring rain.
Tá mé bruite leis an teas, I am baked with the heat.
Séideán bruithne, heat blast; warm wind.
D’imigh na ba le ~, the cows gadded with the heat.
~ báistí, heat before rain.
~eann an gráta sin amach an teas, that grate throws out the heat.
~ teochta, degree of heat.
~ bruithne, brothaill, heat haze.
Teas a chlaochlú go fuinneamh, to transform heat into energy.
Cráin ar ~, faoi chlíth, sow in heat.
~ teasa, conductor of heat.
Teocht, uillinn, chriticiúil, critical heat, angle.
~ leis an teas é, harden, toughen, it with the heat.
Níl an tine ag cur mórán teasa aisti, the fire is not giving out much heat.
Bó ar ~, faoi dháir, a cow in heat, ‘bulling’.
Bó ag teacht ar ~, faoi dháir, i n~, chun dárach, a cow coming in heat.
Bó ag dul ó dháir, a cow going past her heat.
Bó a ligean ó dháir, to let a cow go past her heat.
Lig sé an chéad ~ den bhearach, he let the heifer go past her heat the first time.
~ ar aimsir, ar uisce, ar theas, proof against weather, water, heat.
~ ag an tine, ag an teas, burned, scorched, by the fire, by the heat.
Tabhair ~ den tine dó, (i) heat it over the fire for a spell, (ii) let him sit by the fire for a while.
Éireoidh an teas, the heat will rise.
Teas is ~, (alternate exposure to) heat and cold.
~ann teas le fiabhras, heat accompanies fever.
Bhí ~ teasa ag éirí asainn, we were steaming with the heat.
Tine a ghéarú, to make a fire give out more heat.
Ag ~ faoin teas, complaining of the heat.
Teas a ghiniúint, to generate heat.
~ teasa, gaile, gáis, generation of heat, of steam, of gas.
~ brothaill, heat shimmer.