Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Scian coise adhairce, horn-handled knife.
An bhfuil scian agat? Tá an t-~ agam. Have you a knife? I have a sort of knife.
Níl inti ach ~ scine, it is only a makeshift of a knife.
Níl inti ach ~ (scine), it is only a makeshift (knife).
~ (scine), sharp knife.
Troid go himirt ~a, war to the knife.
Má tá faobhar ar do scian, if your knife has a sharp edge.
~ an scian den leanbh, take the knife from the child.
3. ~t ó lann, ó scian, to grind a blade, a knife.
~ scine, rásúir, claímh, edge of knife, of razor, of sword.
Scian bhearnach, notched knife.
~ scine, butt of knife.
~ scine, blade of knife.
Gabh chugat an scian, take (hold of) the knife.
~ (bairnigh), knife for prizing limpets from rocks.
Bhí scian faoina choim leis, he had a knife under his cloak, concealed on his person.
~ scine, an apology for a knife.
~ spáide, scuaibe, scine, casúir, tua, handle of spade, of brush, knife, of hammer, of axe.
Chuir sé an scian go ~ a dhoirn ann, he plunged the knife to the handle in him.
Chuir sé chuige scian is forc, he took up a knife and fork.
Scian, piléar, a chur i nduine, to put a knife, a bullet, into s.o.
~ uait an scian, put the knife away.
~ scine, faobhair, back of knife, of sharp instrument.
~ uirlisí, sceana, set of tools, of knives.
Dá ghéire an scian ní ghearrfaidh sí iad, sharp as the knife is it will not cut them.
Bhí scian agam, de scian bheag ghéar, I had a knife, a little sharp knife.
~ scine, rasping of knife.
Chuir sé an scian go cuid a dhoirn ann, he stuck the knife to the haft in him.
Dhrantaigh sé scian liom, he threatened me with a knife.
~ scine, speile, rásúir, sharpened edge of knife, of scythe, of razor.
Ná tarraing a ~ ort, don’t let her get her knife into you.
An scian is géire ~adh sí, it is war to the knife.
Chuir sé an scian go ~ ann, he buried the knife in him.
Fógraím mo scian ort, I demand that you give me back my knife.
Sceana agus foirc, knives and forks.
i) Ghabh sé de scian ann, he stuck a knife in him.
Scian ghéar, sharp knife.
~ scine, knife-cut.
Scian a bhfuil ~ inti, a knife that cuts well.
Sceana géara ~a, sharp shining knives.
~ scine, long sharp knife.
Déanfaidh an scian seo (an) ~, this knife will do.
Scian go mbua, a charmed knife.
~ scine, carraige, tip of knife, of rock.
~ scine, píopa, stumpy knife, pipe.
~ scine, spáide, blade of knife, of spade.
D’~ an chos den scian, the handle came off the knife.
D’~ siad sceana, na cosa, air, they used knives, their feet, on him.
Níl ~ scine ceadaithe, it is not permitted to carry a knife.
~ claímh, scine, blade of sword, of knife.
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