~ ar stair, ar theangacha, ignorant of history, of languages.
~ beo, (i) talk; talkativeness, (ii) the spoken language.
~ féine, (ancient) legal language.
Nós, teanga, a chaomhnú, to preserve a custom, a language.
Tá ~ na teanga aige, he speaks the language correctly.
Teanga Cheilteach, Celtic language.
Ní hí an teanga a chuaigh ó chion, it was not the language that degenerated.
Teanga choiteann, vernacular language.
Chuir mé romham an teanga a fhoghlaim, I made up my mind to learn the language.
~ na saoirse, na teanga, na síochána, the cause of freedom, of the language, of peace.
A dteanga, a dtír, dhílis, their own language, country.
Tá an teanga ó dhúchas aige, he is a native speaker of the language.
Teanga dhúchais, native language, mother tongue.
~ ar gcúl na teanga, the decline of the language.
Dá mbeinn ~ ar theangacha, if I had a knowledge of languages.
~ ceachtanna, teangacha, ceirde, the learning of lessons, of languages, of a trade.
D’fhoghlaim sé an teanga, he learned the language.
~ chainte, filthy language, bawdy talk.
~ na saoirse, na teanga, an lucht oibre, the freedom, language, labour, movement.
~ tíre, teanga, love of country, of language.
Ag ~, using foul language; importuning.
I dteanga na tíre, in the language of the country.
Tír, teanga, ~a, foreign country, language.
B’~ teanga dóibh, they spoke the same language.
An teanga labhartha, the spoken language.
~ teanga, the speaking of a language.
~ cainte, abusive, insulting, language.
~ staire, teangacha, the teaching of history, of languages.
~ teangacha, eolaíochta, teacher of languages, of science.
Teanga ~, official language.
Teangacha ~a, oriental languages.
Caitheann sé an focal is measa ina phluc leo, he uses vile language against them.
Na teangacha Rómánsacha, the Romance languages.
Na teangacha as ar ~adh an Ghaeilge, the languages from which Irish derives its origin.
Is iomaí ~ ar theanga, a language has many beautiful features.
Níor dheas an ~ cainte uait é, it was not very nice language for you to use.
~ a dhéanamh (ar theangacha, le haghaidh scrúdaithe), to study (languages, for an examination).
Ag taobhú le droch-chaint, resorting to bad language.
~ bheo, mharbh, living, dead, language.
~ na ndaoine, na tíre, the language of the people, of the country.
An ~ Ghaeilge, the Irish language.
Na teangacha Eorpacha, the European languages.
Béarla ~, select language, Irish.
2. ~ Gaeilge (do Chonradh na Gaeilge), Irish language organizer (for the Gaelic League).
Teanga an tinteáin, the home language.
Teanga, ceird, a thógáil, to pick up a language, a trade.
Dá mbeadh an teanga ar mo thoil agam, if I were fluent in the language.
Teanga, ceacht, óráid, a thuiscint, to understand a language, a lesson, a speech.